Please point out what Junk science he referenced.
Please point out what Junk science he referenced.
My how you people are equally as gross and petulant as the far right. You two groups deserve each other.
“You can’t reasonably discuss how races or genders are less capable of doing things and defend that as a worthwhile dissenting opinion.” -
The fact that you feel like all women are the targets of sexism is delusional at best and detestable at its worst. Who are you to speak for all women’s individual experiences. Who are you to judge which disadvantages I might suffer as a woman. Which is the point of the essay the article is about...there aren’t enough…
This. Is. So. Stupid.
TL;DR - But I bet it was when CNN blackmailed that person. Seriously though...if it takes this long to explain why it wasn’t blackmail...its probably because the statement read as definitionally blackmail. It probably wasn’t intended that way, I dont think CNN is that stupid; but that only shows one how tone deaf they…
You dont understand how logistics work.
How is the LGBT community supposed to interact with the government now?
And they all called me crazy when I said the Earth was flat.
Our laws aren’t entirely dissimilar in principal, but the terminology can vary dramatically. Overall it is more similar to that of maritime law. We are still under Napoleanic Code. That code has conformed with US federal law, but it creates a language barrier that is unnecessarily confusing.
You were given evidence. It just doesn’t meet your, or the judicial system’s for that matter, burden of proof. So the investigation will continue but at he moment it is insufficient to bring charges. So legally the cops had to let him go or risk a civil liberties lawsuit.
Well...that’s why there is so much gray in this area. In New Orleans there is a high rate of car jacking (I live here.) The police just made an announcement that women riding alone who are in an accident in the city should not exit the vehicle or roll down the window until the police arrive. The SYG law carrying over…
Well that depends on the shade of black and how many skittles the person is’re a very confused person.
Yea. But those are just your facts. I feel like this is racist. Therefore it is hate crime. Therefore we don’t need a trial to find this man guilty for shooting an innocent black child. White Proveldge!!!!
You are ill-informed, sir.
Not a law professor, huh?
“i said it then and i’ll say it now...we should never have fought the Civil War...should have let them go.” - so you’re 150+ Years old. Got it.
Yea basically the way you dry a phone is very tedious and if you don’t care enough to watch a 54 minute video about how tedious it is then just keep using rice like a fucking idiot. I mean personally I watched 1 minute of it and decided “Nah, rice.”
Nope. Surprisingly enough the World Health Organization’s priorities are solely represented by George Dvorsky. if you believe that’s silly than you’re a racist.
It’s great how you apply racism and sexism to deduce racism and sexism. Sound logic.