
The ceremony will be held in the parking lot so everyone will have to look the other way.

If praise were the only thing they showered at Penn State, this wouldn’t be an issue.

I think you are a bad commenter because... you are boring the fuck out of me.

“I was a big fan of his when he was an active referee”

I’m not going to lie... in college (abt 15 years ago) I borrowed a buddy’s lap top; and I could not find the fucking power button forever. I mean, it took looking for the damn thing for like half an hour spread out over several attempts. In fairness to myself, I was almost certainly stoned out of my mind, but the

This is the best tweet ever, full stop:

Please leave and take this affront to humanity with you. You and your devil cake are not welcome here.

Well, this particular patient spends a lot of time with his head up his ass, so....

Someone at Univision is thinking How much did we pay for this? right now.
ha ha

He’s right, you know:

Well, I finally found ONE person who was sufficiently intimated by William S. Sessions, Esq. while playing Street Fighter 2.


Yep. Never won anything.

[takes drugs]

Hi Merril!

Nailed it.

“Devin has been in a boot/cast and on crutches recovering for the past 8 weeks ... I have not seen him run let alone walk on two feet since the day before his surgery in June.”

Me, myself, & I find this statement offensive.

When police arrived, Mason accused them of teaching Al-Qaeda to fly planes, and said he would call the White House and have them lose their jobs.

Dove Infield