Here's some of that 'interesting discussion' that you're looking for. (It continues in the comment section.) Make of it what you will.
Here's some of that 'interesting discussion' that you're looking for. (It continues in the comment section.) Make of it what you will.
This is so great. We take turns with another couple hosting Mad Men viewings (hosts make dinner, guests bring 60's style cocktails from recipes on the AMC website). A favorite part of the evening is mocking the promos by basically creating our own promos, as a way of coping with the absurdity of the promos.
The college I teach at maintains a campus in Madrid, and I've definitely noticed that the students who spend a semester there studying seem to come back with a renewed appreciation for fashion. Or, at the very least, they standout from the rest of their classmates by not rocking the North Face/ Lululemon uniform…
How about 'dem Spokane Chiefs, eh?
But who will Lila Rose's Jim J. Bullock be?
Would it make you feel better if I cast you in a VH1 reality show, 'Why's They Have to Go Stop Makin' That Now?'
Does anyone else feel somewhat ashamed or saddened (sadshamed?) when a company stops making a product or brand you enjoy, like it's a reflection of your bad taste (rather than any paucity of good taste in others)?
Can someone explain to me the difference between those guys who would have "no reservations" (19%) dating an unemployed gal and those guys who "were positive they'd go out with a woman who didn't have a job" (46%)? This seems like a distinction without a difference.
Mayor Bloomberg may have a place for on his the Department of Great Ideas!!!
A few years ago Nebraska experienced a major problem with its own 'safe haven' law, specifically, that dozens of children much older than infants (some as old as 15) were surrendered by their parents. It was super depressing at the time, coming as it did in the throes of the Great Recession. The law was eventually…
That's what I always thought, but Lauren Bay's wiki page states she was born in 1981 (like my brother, Jason was born in 1978). Trail definitely featured a girl player, and she was one of the best players on the team.
In the Little League of Canada championship game, my brother's team played a team with a girl on the roster. She was the sister of future major league player Jason Bay (Jason was also on the team). This girl hit home runs. My brother's team lost. This was 1990.
@Dinosaurs and Nachos, girlfriend!: The Subway in Digby, Nova Scotia sells bacon-wrapped scallop subs. Or at least they did 7 years ago.
Did Sarah Palin ever have that mini-summit/photo-op with Thatcher? I remember people finding it a pretty distasteful idea given Thatcher's declining health.
Might be time for a #thingstimgunnsays tag.
Aw, he's like a Tauntaun from The Empire Strikes Back. Now if we could only find a 2 foot tall Luke Skywalker.
@AmberNicole: Watching him as Thomas Cromwell in "The Tudors" should take care of that. But yeah, I see the Mr. Bean thing, though his deadpan, wry glamoring of Tara was for me one of the most enjoyable lines of the episode.
T: Terrific
From Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleopatra" (1606):
1. "True facts"; 2. random Capitalization; 3. ALL CAPS!!! Yawn