
Wendy’s isn’t open 24hrs, and also costs a bit more than taco bell. I can see why they didn’t make the top of the stoner list even though they’re a superior fast food chain.

I always thought that, have never been a huge fan, but lately their advertising game has been so on that I find myself craving that garbage from time to time.

Why bother having subs, that allegedly come with very specific ingredients, if I have to instruct the employee how to construct it after ordering it by name?

So, not only are they a sh*tty person, but they’re also too stupid to realize they’ll be an unemployed sh*tty person if they don’t at least pretend to be half decent around the customers.

Yea... my coworkers can’t figure out the child safety mechanism on the hot side of the water cooler, I’m happier knowing they aren’t allowed to bring weapons to work.

I mean... how often is a shooter not a white guy? Maybe 2 out of 50?

If you have 3 part time jobs, you aren’t necessarily working enough hours at any one of them to get the legally required breaks. Also, NY isn’t the only place in the world...

Valentine’s day is also one of the worst nights of the year to go to a restaurant (they’re over-booked, overpriced, and you will be rushed and underwhelmed). The BF and I do something nice for/with each other every year, because who doesn’t like a good excuse to celebrate/have fun, but NEVER go out to eat the night of.

OMG Best in Show!

People who live in places with shitty/long ass winters?

On the one hand, no one likes a tattle tale and just deal with it dude. Give ‘em the old stink eye if it makes you feel better.

Except these religious centers use deceptive names to sound like actual medical facilities, con google search results so they come up high on search results, set up right next door to real medical facilities and try to trick women who have appointments next door into coming to see them, etc etc... They actively try to

I thought it was legit before the Sieg Heil.

I had a guy who, for weeks after I broke up with him, would hide in the woods near my house and just appear late at night while I was on my way to my front door who had the audacity and lack of self awareness to tell me that I was being unreasonable for not taking him back...

It’s just so f*cking depressing that we all need like 5 backup plans for when men can’t take no for an answer.

Experienced creeps try not to let you out of their sight. Apparently they’re well aware that when women say “I’m gonna grab a drink” or “I’m heading the ladies room” they’re actually making an escape attempt.

I keep seeing that “liberals are saying the american flag is offensive to Muslims” post... Where in the hell did that even come from? I know trying to find logic in b*llshit is a waste of time and brain power, but generally if you think about it you can see who/what planted the seed of nonsense, and I’m at a complete

If they had the intelligence to understand facts and sources you wouldn’t be debating the subject with them in the first place.

Am I the only one whose shocked she used your and you’re properly? 

I dunno, it’s a beautiful locale with great weather. As long as you’ve already been properly educated and you’re no darker than say, wonder bread, I’m sure it’s lovely.