Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

Jaguar grill, Audi headlamp shape with Acura inserts.

Las Vegas with my phone, while flying into North Las Vegas Airport.

Based on the description, I was expecting to see a 1600 ft fall off a cliff, not a 1600 ft cartwheel record. Doesn’t “free fall” mean falling without contact to any surface?

I flew on Qatar Airways a couple of weeks ago... One of the best service levels and airplane quality out there. And I fly a lot...

Actually black is the fashion color of cockpit these days... I’m sure that the color choice in the past was designed to function as described above, I just think they figured out along the way that it didn’t work... here's the latest Piper Malibu, but you find the same trend across all aircraft categories.

Well, without the downward flow of air at the trailing edge of the wing (and the equal and opposite reaction), Bernoulli isn’t flying anywhere... ;-)

If he’s crabbing, then he’s doing it wrong. Light aircraft gear is not constructed to take the side-load impact on landing. Instead, you’re taught a technique called side slip, where you apply opposite aileron and rudder to keep the nose straight while adjusting for crosswind on final.

Now playing

It really doesn’t look that extreme to me, but all input by the pilot is done by “butt-feeling” and the only instrument really monitored at this point is the airspeed indicator.

Well, that, and Newton’s 3rd law...

I don’t know abut Haas as an option .. K-Mag seems to have more nuts than avocados between his legs!

You should have checked with the Jalopnik guys, how to spell Peugeot.

I’ve rented cars all over the world with my regular California drivers license, just like I’ve rented cars in the US with my Danish Issued drivers license... Both countries issues the same type hand written International drivers permit btw.

I was sitting on the edge of my seat the whole time, thinking: If this doesn’t have the Liam Neeson part from Taken, it’s going to ruin the whole video for me... And then, there it was! Phew!

$1000 for something that burns up in a couple of hours, seems like a perverse way of spending money to me... Do you light the wood with $100 bills?

No, They are owned by Sheldon Adelson (Owner of The Venetian and Palazzo).

We took off about two hours after the accident and the 777 was still sitting on 7L between taxiway A7 and A8, which means that the fire occurred right at the beginning of the takeoff roll. Couldn’t take any pictures as I had to fly the aircraft but both port and starboard side looked charred from the fire.

We took off around 6:45 PM from McCarren and the 777 was still sitting on runway 7L between taxiway A7 and A8. I wasn’t able to take pictures as I was flying the plane, but the fuselage looked charred but intact.

And yet it seems that we haven’t learned a goddamn thing...

I think rotorcraft would be the correct designation!

Seems like it’s not generating quite enough lift... Back to the drawing board! ;-)