Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

Hey Collin,

They should have left the commentary out... Totally killed it for me!

I just bought Sled Driver a couple of weeks ago on Ebay. $225 was a tall order but worth every penny!

Me too... :-) Next on my list is the Panerai Luminor Marina 1950.

Did the exact same thing but more like 11 years ago... Make sure to put money aside for upkeep, it’s not cheap. I just put my 4th strap on it at $385 a pop and I’ve never slept with my watch or had it anywhere near water... Service is also necessary every 4 - 5 years. I paid $700 last time but I also had the Plexiglas

The blue one? I like that one a lot... I just have the normal black Calibre 12 with alligator strap.

I have his watch... well not his, but just one like it...

I just bought a 2001 BMW M3 Convertible with 100K miles in silver for $9,000!

I thought all US pilots were officers?

Because of the lower center of gravity, the wing also needs to be less dihedral, which requires less structural strenght = less weight.

Try 9500 Density altitude with 100 Lbs overweight and 40 knots cross wind in a 172... Not something I’m keen to try again!

What I trained in... Well actually a 152. Fun plane to fly although I haven’t flown one since.

Now playing

That PSA is awesome... I feel like I have to give you something in return! Eeeehhhhh... Ok, here’s Marcel the shell with shoes on (not related to the subject at all, but still awesome)

What she has achieved is impressive by any means, but if she had been a guy, being 11th wouldn’t have been news at all... I’m all for equal rights, but this just rubs me the wrong way somehow!

Hasn’t Segway been providing a far less complicated solution for years?

These things would look awesome as white tops (white wings/tilt rotor)/

Minimum reserves per the FAR AIM is 30 min for VFR flights and 45 min for IFR rendering the plane utterly useless at this point. A minimum of a 2 hour battery life would be required to use the plane for flight training and even then you would need time in a traditional piston engine plane to learn fuel management etc.

This was years back, I was riding my motorcycle in central Copenhagen when I ended up at a red light with one car in front of me.
On a motorcycle you’re sitting pretty high and quite close to the car in front of you, so you have a pretty good idea if the driver in front of you was picking a bugger or not. He wasn’t...

That’s great, because it seems that FlightClub (and few other Gawker sub-sites) have been neglected in the past few months... Have you guys had a restructuring going on or what happened?