Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

Almost all of these towers are in Asia or the Middle East, showing the world where the financial growth in the 21 century really lies!

You're right, but if you instead retract the UK tax and remove the destination charge (which they don't charge in Europe) then you're only $10K away. If you then account for the diversity in income levels between Europe and the US, the European car might actually be cheaper... (I know it's a stretch, just saying)

"Amazingly, no one is quite sure how living at 3,000 feet will affect humans"
Really... How about you ask people living in the French, Austrian or Swiss alps...? Generations have lived there in elevations above 3,000 ft and they are doing fine so far...

What's the crosswind component on that? I've done 23025G40 on a RW27 (at 7000 ft elevation) in a 172SP which is just within the envelope (but still hairy)...
I would have preferred not to, but when you're out of fuel, you're out of fuel!!!

You forget that prices in Europe are including tax (20% in the UK), the US prices does not include tax which adds typically 8 - 10%. Still not as much as in Europe, but a lot closer...

Download the LiveATC app and you can tune you phone to most airport tower, ground, approach/departure and sometimes clearance delivery frequencies (requires 3/4G or wifi).

Anderson Cooper used to be my favorite news host, but now he's just CNN's version of TMZ!

As a man, I am now terrified of any woman who reads Cosmo....!!!!! Please, please, please I beg you, do not try any of the suggestions above!
Be gentle (unless the guy is into pain - most are not!), use plenty of saliva (any type will do) and and touch him (when clothed) similarly to how you want him to touch you (no

So apparently TV in Turkey is recorded in 240p?

Let's hope your 918 doesn't share connection rod fasteners with the GT3... ;-)

I flew the AA Boeing 777-300ER from DFW to LHR in Business class a few weeks ago and agree: One of the best business class seats I've tried... Oddly enough I found the sleeping position flatter (and thus better) a little bit short of fully extracted...

Oh please... people these days are so overly cautious and scared about everyday things. In the 80's there were no bicycle helmets, we stayed out till the streetlights came on without supervision and somehow most of us are still here...
PS. What powerslide???? He takes every corner at less than 10 mph.

Are you serious???? Did you watch the video at all...? He drove the car conservatively with absolutely no chance of causing an accident...
My kid was 2 when he sat on my lap and helped me steer the car (at slow speed in a residential neighborhood); he was 3 when he sat on my lap and took the control of an aircraft for

Am I the only one who finds the new TT boring? From the front it looks like any of the available Audi sedans...

Come on now... I'm sure the hotel did not even ask Ferrari if they could find another hotel... Reservations reacted to the matter of fact that the hotel was booked and found another location for the relatives of MH370. If it was any other guest it would have been the exact same situation. No special treatment for

No discrimination!!!! I'll fly whatever I can get my hands on...

Load the Hola extension for Chrome and you're all set to watch Hulu from anywhere in the world!

You have a lot more vibration in a rotorcraft but turbulence does not care if you're fixed wing or rotorcraft. Rotorcrafts are more prone to turbulence cause by the sun heating up the ground, causing the air to rise because they fly lower. Fixed wings are more prone to clear air turbulence that usually happens at

Put it in a VW Multivan, just like these crazy Germans did: