Finally, no weird looks when I have to get the box of heavy-flow tampons. Y'all, it's not like my coo is the elevator from The Shining. It's just a period.
Finally, no weird looks when I have to get the box of heavy-flow tampons. Y'all, it's not like my coo is the elevator from The Shining. It's just a period.
Well you know what they say; Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.
You know, some places charge extra for that.
Hester Pryne called. She'd like her "A" back. Please.
That sounds tasty! I want a hobo burrito now.
I know exactly what you mean about not asking your boyfriend to do chores around the house. I end up doing the majority of household stuff from cleaning to repairs because I know I'll snap at him if he a) doesn't do it when I ask him to, b) doesn't do it thoroughly, or c) does it once, then tells me when I ask him the…
Hah! That is absolutely cruel and fantastic. I approve of this.
Hand to God. I am a really fast reader and I blame Red Bull.
I see what you did there...
In our old apartment complex, there was an eldery lady who would take people's clothes out of the dryer all the time. She would wait till you hasd just put your wet laundry in, then sneak in and take it out so she could dry her own things, then put your clothes back in when the timer went off. So you'd come back to a…
Feel free to rag on me for this, but I read the entirety of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in a two-hour sitting and went through a box and a half of Kleenex and was, at the end, entirely inconsolable. Especially during the part with Dobby. I didn’t so much cry as I wailed like an ancient Greek mourner. My face…
The only thing worse than one chewed-up and torn roll is to find that, in addition to the roll next to the toilet, your cat somehow managed to get into the cabinet under the sink and turn your neatly stacked Costco-bulk rolls into drool-laden bedding. And everyone in the house has food poisoning. True story.
Hah! I saw this same behaviour when I was at my hairdressing academy. We had one girl who was a master at cornrows and the rest of my group were completely useless at braids. When I broke my hand (tragically ending my beauty career) and was going through physical therapy, this was an exercise that was reccommended to…
Oh don't get me wrong, I will totally except an answer like "How can I name just one book, there are so many I love" as long as you back it up. I have three that have specific meaning to me and one is a picture book. But pulling a Sarah Palin and saying something like "Oh, all of them" turns my nethers into a no-fly…
I used to kick men out if they couldn't tell me what their favourite book was and why. I didn't really care so much what they read, but why they enjoyed it. What was it about the book that made it signifcant to them.
I fell in absolute love with Seth Rogan and Jason Segal. I couldn't help it. I think it was Forgetting Sarah Marshall that made me fall for Jason. Not only is the man willing to get naked for a laugh, but he loves the Muppets. The Muppets! That's marriage material right there.
This will definitely fall under Rule 34 of the Internet.
I’ve pretty much mastered this using my tongue (save for all but the simplest text messages), but it’s garnered me some pretty weird looks and quite a few bawdy propositions.
You know, I'm all for any scientific innovations that get that much closer to being able to order a Jude Law android like in A.I.
I think it would be lovely to do a not necessarily full-on Doctor Who-theme wedding, but definitely incorporate that lovely shade of blue into wedding colors. I’ve talked to Sensible Shoes and he wouldn’t be opposed to doing something using maybe the Tardis in wedding invites, or maybe getting a pair of Dalek wedding…