
"Ladies, look at your pets. Now back at me..." All he needs is a waterfall and a bear-skin rug in front of a roaring fire.

Dodai, I'm crying with laughter at this thread. It's an awesome one. Thanks for putting up all these great pictures and thanks to everyone for running with it. There's som pretty awful stuff happening in the world today and this cheers me up immensely.

I want to be his friend too!

I would wear the hell out of that dino hat!

You know Rand, unless you're the one who GOT me up the spout, you really DON'T have a say in anything that has do with my body in that way.

That image of Terry Richardson as Beiber didn't just make my vag pucker in revulsion, it made it wither and fall out. Thanks dude.

I couldn't have done it without you. Congratulations to up both. *clinks champagne glasses*

That's why I never leave home without my Wonder-Woman underoos!

Have you ever had to do any custom-orders for Whale? Because every time I need a special occaison outfit, it seems like I have to custom-order Whale, sometime Humpback, other times Gray.

Is he coaching them from his armchair in his pajamas with a six-pack of Molson's? Because that's what my dad does. He also is an expert on women and their "issues" too.

Hah! This would be awesome! Think about the traffic you'd get just from people who are curious about the site's name alone.

Okay, Gosling, this is the third time I've had to change my underwear at work due to your deadly combination of adorable boyishness and all-too-adult sex appeal. My panties are dropped! What more do you want?

I was being facetious. My grandmother taught me never to settle, not in court and not in life.

I'd settle for "yeah, I guess I'd do her."

He can illusion me all night, if you know what I mean.

Honey, not only do I remember the Marbles, I and my best guy friend used to cross-play them for several Halloweens.

Hearted, if I could!

My friend's parents rescued a poly out of a home where he wasn't receiving the best care (he wasn't fixed, didn't have a litter box, was eating people food, not cat food, etc.). He was already an adult by that time, and his erstwhile owners had named him "Testecles" (Pronounced Test-a-clees) on account of him not

If I could heart you, I would. Those goddamn pigs!

Hah, my mom made me do the exact same thing!