Punched his girlfriend in the face? That boy a bitch.
He’s like the human equivalent of skyline chili.
When I take my family to a public sacrifice to appease the cruel god of the void, I really hate it when an acolyte of Ner’huul makes an extra flourish with his bone knife or, and gosh this is THE WORST, when the High Priest makes a big show of eating the heart of the spring virgin. It’s like, act like you’ve BEEN…
My favorite Effie Brown story:
You gotta admit, that Bojangles commercial is awesome.
Yes they make men’s sizes and fucking rep that shit dude. http://www.ussoccerstore.com/us00m113815ga.…
I think Boateng wanted to become a gif. It’s the only explanation for that graceless fall.
This is the most Atlanta sports moment ever.
Regional Sports Networks are your main culprit here. It's been discussed on this site before, but RSN's constantly need content to fill airtime and more games do that beautifully; besides the game itself, you've got the pre and postgame shows as well. Moreover, since teams all have their own cable deals, it's not easy…
Hey Mike Vick might have slaughtered innocent puppies with his bare hands but at least he didn't love another human being.
So, unless I'm completely misunderstanding the transitive nature of competitive soccer, I think we can safely conclude that the US had a better team than Brazil.
Hi, Dan.
From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: "Cobb County GOP Chairman Joe Dendy sent out a statement that included these thoughts on mass transit and taxes:
You know who doesn't like the Waffle House? Assholes.