
Jeez, this just reminded me of how my mom would guilt-trip me about hanging out with friends who lived about a half-hour away and how she’d have to drive me around, waste two hours of her day to do so, why couldn’t I make friends closer to home, etc. (Nevermind that I attended a consolidated school, so kids were from

This is something I’ve pondered on and off time and again. I most certainly grew up in a time and town where merely enjoying Star Trek was worthy of massive derision — so gods forbid I ever mention to my young peers that I went to a Star Trek Convention that weekend and was upset that William Shatner arrived over an

Indeed. And that is the only way to write BRIAN BLESSED’s name. I’d have loved some true ham-to-ham combat between him and Rickman.

That’s similar to how we were trained on my high school track team. When a runner gets close to the finish line, the temptation may be so slow down a hair because you’re pretty much already there. We were trained to treat Lane 2's starting line as the finish line. Now, this could be incidental or it could have been

I call it YTI - YouTube Technical Institute. It’s definitely helped me with a couple of hardware-replacement issues I faced in a new-to-me house that needed some updates.

My first job was drywall repair, so I learned all of this as a teen. Obviously so many people out there didn’t have the same upbringing or life experiences, so I can definitely see how people sort of let this skill fall by the wayside.

This is great. In my home economics class, we had the option to do an extra-credit assignment that was about balancing a checkbook as a type of financial planning, but obviously that was voluntary. Otherwise, there was no instruction on that stuff in my school (also making food in that class was a joke — it was more

But what about Louboutin? I took a practical language in school, thank you (it was Spanish, and I’m now prepared for the onslaught of jibes from my Canadian brethren), so French names always give me a hard time.

Thank you so much for sharing your impressions. I made the mistake of being in Augusta, Georgia, one year during the Masters. I’m surprised my car made it through without being smeared with self-important pedestrian blood.

I was told I was Gen Y as a youth. But now publications are saying I’m a Millennial. Just fuck off with that shit and stop blaming me for the crumbling values and other tripe.

I don’t have OCD, but still... *twitch*

That’s a damn fancy shitter. I’ve just used the bowl Americans are used to and this glory:


It defies the “sub-” prefix, doesn’t it? They “really mastered the single entendre” there.

That’s the style of Ronald McDonald I saw when I lived in Thailand. See, he’s wai-ing to show respect.... Not at all planning on devouring your soul.


I doubt that helped. Or maybe it helped in all the right ways.

Whoa whoa whoa... You want me to get a disc?! That’s way too much effort (and not part of my current subscription).