
Not a big fan of Hello Kitty but if I ever go to Japan i’ll go out of my way to ride in this. We need more themed bullet trains. I’d love to see a Moebius bullet train in France.

Totally agree. Hoping we do get some excellent satire and social commentary on exploitative technology and it’s benefactors but essentially the cyberpunk genre is about futures we want to avoid but fatalistically are on a collision course with.

I still want a Johnny Mnemonic remake.

Cyberpunk 2020.

Now playing

Never thought I’d see a Lusine track on Kotaku. Great taste in idm. Here’s my fav track from him.

Looks weird. They seem like they would be the off and on couple in a 90210 reboot.

Dairaseenay, which means to unroot. Accent aigu is bit tricky for non French speakers.


Jump ship to Cyberpunk 2077.

Seriously ?!? Holy shit ! Well it’ll never live up to the original but it might be an interesting adaptation.

Holy shit it’s Wilson Wilson ! Also Kate Tempest is one of the most underrated lyricists. 

Wonder if this could be ported to the Vita?

I agree. It’s when punishment becomes torture that the line is crossed. I’m curious if the show will eventually end in a war crimes tribunal like Nuremburg after WWII.

Nooope. Fred did.

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

Damn I can’t believe I teared up watching a Tetris trailer.

How so?

“old and puffy”

Great description. Hopefully the sequels don’t lose sight of this.

Damn you Windows 7.