
treating others as one would want to be treated

There is the golden rule. 

You’re right. It’s just that I skipped this console generation to build a gaming PC. Don’t want to fork out $500 just to play a couple games.

It better have the same release date on PC as it does on consoles.

Queue the A.I. .

Can’t wait to finally play the game that was supposed to originally come out. Bought it on day 1 but didn’t get around to playing it because of the botched launch ( thanks execs ) and now I can dive head first into what will surely become one of my all time favourite games.

Mod tools ?! You mean this ? This game will have a long life after this expansion.


You might be right. Wish they would have let space sci-fi authors like Andy Weir or James S. A. Corey go wild with the main campaign.

So far i’d give it an 8.8 , with some patches and a few quality of life mods it goes into 9.3 territory.

At the end of the day he’s just saying you’ll get lost in it. Which is exactly what I want in a Bethesda RPG.

In this case the old man is right.

The pet was fine and so was her hair. I think you just like to complain for the sake of complaining like quite a few gamers.

There’s always a small part of me that yearns and hopes Bungie buy back the rights to Myth and make something mind blowing with it.

Do you know him personally ?

I disagree but to each their own.

It’s a soap opera for wannabe ranch hands.

Couldn’t agree more. Moderate democrats keep carrying Republican’s water.