
I’m still pissed we’re being charged to access multiplayer. Stopped paying for PSN and might not even bother with a PS5. I can play every multiplayer game on Steam without having to fork out $60 a year.

Red states should just secede. Curious to see which side would have the better economy, health care, education, scientific breakthroughs, environmental standards and crime rates.

Though the credits track is god tier.

Just wanted to say that The Green Knight was fantastic and that I wish more fantasy had the chutzpah to take risks like it did. It was contemplative in the best ways possible.

Let’s make it happen!

Very good points made.

I can’t wait to see Mass Effect 4 with this engine. Hoping the story and gameplay can match the looks.

*cough* Cyberpunk 2077 *cough*

Definitely Tetris Effect, Portal 1 & 2 , Hardspace: Shipbreaker, The Last Guardian / Shadow of the Colossus, also maybe Skyrim, XCOM 2 or Red Dead Redemption 2.

& The Departed

Listening & comprehending a point of view is much different than accepting it as an equally just one. Dictators have point’s of view too.

I doubt your ability to understand subtlety, context or more importantly empathy.

It’s a classic in my book. Tough as shit too but that made it what it was, a genre bending 3rd person shooter beat em up with a slick cyberpunk aesthetic. Wish Bungie would make a sequel.

Seeing that I just bought Skyrim special edition and that I beat it on the Xbox 360 i’m very much looking forward to importing my save and experiencing it in all of it’s splendor once again.

110% this.

Comedians tell the truth more than politicians.

It’s story was pretty generic in a lot of ways. It’s gameplay and atmosphere on the other hand were what really stood out. As long as the pacing and writing are solid then i’m fine with whatever plot filled roller coaster they’re taking me on.