
Predator 2 was the last great Predator movie. The opening scene and the one in the subway makes it an action classic in my book.

It gets way better. If you love sci-fi this show delivers in spades and so do the books.

GTA Online is a dumpster fire that just keeps on burning.

I’m more of a Drummer fanboy myself.

Then skip it. While I bask in it’s sullen natural beauty and ride off into the sunset with my appaloosa, trapper winchester and a bottle of whiskey to live in peace and OH SHIT A COUGAR !

I lived a block away from it. Used to take that subway station every day going to school. I remember visiting a game store near there and buying vintage DBZ posters.

The Expanse as well as Counterpart are also worth a watch.

This show is going to make a lot more sense after I binge watch it.

Listen to music you fools.

and humans are generally assholes.

Trying to beat Yakuza 0 before God of War comes out. Didn’t think it would take me this long to finish it. Great game so far though. I feel deep shame because I still have my Persona 5 collectors edition in it’s shrinkwrap.

I really miss his show. It was pure entertainment and perfect for those late nights when you’d just stare at the stars.

Are those pogs?

Sneezing, farting and peeing is a dangerous combination.

or Fridge lobster.

Definitely will splurge when this comes out.

Thank god.

This is why I mostly use Twitch for cooking shows and PBS marathons. I rather play games then watch them except for the odd exception but I know that i’m a dinosaur & in the minority.

Ah well there’s always other bullshit you can watch.