
No offense, Esther, but this blog really should have been written by Ashley Feinberg.

Thanks for your question—you make a good point, and I should have elaborated. Good journalists write about people with disabilities the same way they write about anybody else: by writing ABOUT them. For example, “Benjatrix is 36 years old and lives with his parents. He enjoys watching TV and playing with his dog.

That post about Lana Del Ray may have been the dumbest thing I’ve read on this website ever, and I’ve been well before the Hogan tape. I understand and agree with your criticism of police brutality, but “dating a cop, makes you a cop” is insane. The police system in this country needs to be overhauled, but demonizing

What on earth was the point of this article? The entire internet is full of people writing articles and a bunch of other people shouting in agreement right below them. It’s happening in this comment section too!

Did you really expect Singal or their reps to speak with you given the way you approached the matter?

At least that dad won’t be surprised when, years later, he finds his son inebriated on drugs while standing behind the garage.

Strictly speaking, he’s kind of got a point. It’s still annoying though.

Does she have any experience at all? Does she have any concept of how a government works? Does she have any experience getting a variety of cranky, entitled people with conflicts of interest to work together? Has she ever even gone to a freaking city council meeting?

Tracie also famously got drunk during a professional interview and said, “I wouldn’t get raped. I’m too smart.”

And why a 10 minute interview that a marketing company called to set up (this is what’s known as advertising, something Rich seems to know already) would be about any substantive to begin with.

Dude your former roommate AJ is on the Shitty Media Men list. Your Pot Therapy co-host called what Roman Polanski did “banging a thirteen year old” right here on Jezebel. Maybe people should be badgering YOU on #MeToo.

“She always has the choice to decline to answer.”


All of these. For all of his (very many and egregious) faults, this was something my father absolutely nailed, back then, when the scandal was unfolding. “Of course she was in love with him! He was her boss, the Goddamn President, and beyond that (if we believe what people who knew him said) one of the most inhumanly

It is exactly one, not very credible, accusation made by a woman in the middle of a heated child custody battle with the accused. Allen, 56 at the time, had no history of pedophillic behavior before, or since.

Some other kids are just annoying pissants.

I think part of the problem is that (unless I’m mistaken) if you try someone as a juvenile, you *have* to free them once they reach adulthood, no matter how soon that is or how much of a danger they still are to others.

Attendance (or the lack thereof) at this news conference is the opposite of the old PR axiom, “Never screw up on a slow news day.”

Actually it seems like you’re relying on a lot of really bad information as to what happened here - or a false narrative that’s being spread about it. Seems she’s in treatment, that the Holets are assisting her with it, are raising money for her, and are keeping a relationship with her which is beneficial for the

The mother and father were both offered free treatment at a live in rehabilitation facility and they both voluntarily entered treatment. The cop personally started a gofundme account to help with housing and getting them on their feet post rehab.