
This SAG-AFTRA member who does not make what Swank makes is happy she’s filing suit.  SAG-AFTRA journalists often get their health benefits through the union.  It’s not all celebrities. Its your local reporters.  

Boston reporter here. If Aunt Becky doesn’t get her shit together, stop entering federal court in South Boston like she’s entering a sound stage in Hollywood, doesn’t stop proclaiming her innocence, and doesn’t start negotiating, she is indeed going to prison, and it won’t be a slap on the wrist like Huffman, who

Alleged journalist here. I ask questions of authority figures when I know the answer all the time. I want to know if they’re lying. I want to know how they’ll react when I show them a document. Sometimes I’ll ask the same question every week and see if I can get them off their talking points. Sometimes I do the

Broadcaster here.  Don’t call the station. Call the advertisers.  Cut off the money source.  That’s how this works. 

Broadcaster here. The call was likely on a landline due to a higher quality of call. So, yes, it would go to a dialtone if you lost the call suddenly.

I would not agree to an interview with Lewinsky where I could not ask about Clinton. She uses when she wants to (she was interviewed for an A and E documentary recently), and it’s a major part of her life. However, the PUBLIC should know the agreements set up in advance of an event or an interview — what questions

My grandmother taught us this as well.  She said never shave them because they may not grow back and you’ll spend the REST OF YOUR GODDAMN LIFE drawing them on every day. 



It is not.  There are differences depending on audio and video, and it depends on the state.   

Do some people call him The Space Cowboy?

You can’t drink cheap gin. Good gin is as a fine and bracing and refreshing as a walk on the first cold day of winter. It flows into your warm blood like an injection of ice, slows time, and lets a woman access things.


The WGA-East does heavily rep news writers. The WGA-West tends to rep entertainment writers. The news network writers, for example, largely unionize under WGA-East. Disclosure: I am a member of both the WGA-East and SAG-AFTRA. The latter reps on-air talent. Or, if you wish in my case, ‘talent’.

That’s a mayoral announcement. That’s not a gubernatorial announcement. Get out of the city. Hell, get out of Manahattan and Brooklyn.

Yeah. It sound like Hendricks very much did not want to deal with this. That’s what a publicist gets paid for.


Stephens isn’t saying anyone’s lying; he’s pointing out inconsistencies revealed by the investigation and in the journalistic narrative. The conclusion has not been reached. You can get pissed at me all you want, but this messenger is used to being shot.

I said ‘a reporter needs more.” Stephens is offering analysis, not doing the reporting.

It’s up to you at that point. The collective you. People need to vote, pay attention, bring pressure. It is not my job to be a crusader. BTW, Stephens is not a journalist; he is an op ed writer.