
Agreed. Remember the Rolling Stone article. That is not to say plenty of stories that DO have proof don’t get squashed (see Farrow and NBC). But when a shaky story makes air or goes to press it weakens legit ones.

Of course. It appears no one did that.

But I was hoping for a reference?

Those ain’t receipts. That’s anonymous sourcing. I am an anonymous source here. I could be an elevator repairman for all you know. So could this fella on Twitter.

I’m telling you my experience as an anchor with 25 years experience. I did not work for NBC. I don’t know if you’ve contacted NBC or NBC affiliates.   That might be good.

She is not a good ad libber under stress. She loses it.

No, I don’t. I look at the facts and point out what’s likely happening. Thanks for asking.

I’m not saying I’m not ENJOYING Brokaw being an asshole.

It’s a network. At the two networks I was at, I had to hit the post because I was on the air at four hundred stations across the country. There is no wiggle room. The automation clicks over at a certain time, period. Hit the post.

And Brokaw is a total asshole here. He’s asked one question and answers another, with about 50 seconds left in the segment. He knows better; he knows he’s going to get cut off; he knows how that’s going look; he knows that’s going to throw Kelly off-script. He’s not an analyst or a political organizer; he’s a

Ok. In her defense, as someone who has been a network anchor (radio) and is still in broadcast news in a top 10 market, she likely DID have a hard break. You’re up against automation and you absolutely must hit that break (hit that post). If you don’t, the automation will cut you off. You have to backtime your way

We Bostonians think we’re a buncha comedians.

I love cops who give you a quote when you ask for it. That’s a cop and reporter who have a good relationship, know this is fucking insane, and are going to dance anyway.

My mother was married at 20 and had me when she was 21. It is too young.

I have no natural instinct to nourish.

God bless Craaaaanston.

Now playing

Our newsroom was recently the recipient of some free premium ice cream, gifted unto us by advertisers. The Evil Editor deemed it took up too much space in the small fridge tucked into the corner of the newsroom so she took it upon herself to to put into the big fridge in the kitchen, open to all,including Those Who

I really need Gap and others to stop trying to put teeny tiny pockets over my tits. Those t shirts are not OK.

New England reporter here. I’m sure I’ll pilloried, but:

I don’t think he wanted to mess up the blood sample. The question I’d be asking — I’d still ask — is why police CONTINUED A DANGEROUS CHASE ON A MODERATELY BUSY HIGHWAY, leading to that crash.