
What if one of these kids had raped someone? Would you still be completely horrified?

This is a rare feeling for me, but does he really deserve this level of vitriol? Like I get it, his tweets were incredibly naive and definitely speak to the cloud of privilege he must have lived in his entire life, but also the fact that he was disturbed by what he saw suggests to me that he has at least a shred of

True, might just be me seeing four anthropomorphized muscular male tigers wearing skimpy leotards around a female gazelle with defined human breasts.... on a pedestal. Must be crazy.

This image is oddly sexualized.... in a very very conflicting way..... It feels like Disney is just making their work more and more ready for sexualized Disney fan art.

Maybe we could raise the standards if hollywood didn’t fail this rudimentary test the vast majority of the time.

Only seven years? Bullshit.

Typical. “Well, she consented to have sex with THAT guy, so we thought....”

I would like something that confirms the story of the rapist. I mean, Richard Allen Davis made similar claims about Marc and Polly Klass.

jesus fucking christ. that poor girl.

Positive: The Police actually believe that it was assault and are investigating it as such.

they’re creating an AURAL LANDSCAPE

Um, isn’t ‘sound art’ better known as MUSIC?!?!?!

Thank you for putting into words how I’ve been feeling about this. I am troubled by feminists here saying that HRC’s husband’s history of rape/sexual abuse allegations is irrelevant to her candidacy. Would we let a female Republican presidential candidate skate by like this if her husband had a similar history? I

except he’s campaigning for her

Five years of fucking a guy with a girlfriend isn’t a mistake, it’s a choice that you keep making over and over again. Saying you don’t want to hurt the fiancé is a lie. If you didn’t want to hurt her you’d stop fucking this guy. You’d also tell her what has been going on so she isn’t dumb enough to go through with


He’s going to kill one of his girlfriends eventually. I’m convinced of this.

Not trying to be flip here, but please. Everyone. Stop dating this guy. For a lot of reasons.

I never understood the Deen love. Boyish smile or no, I’ve seen him in way too many videos that simulate rape, and I could never understand how someone who purports, even mildly, toward feminist self-identification could justify that.

Seriously! Personally, I need to go to bed angry, because when I wake up the next day, I’m well-rested and not nearly as mad.