
He's too old to pretend to be a rebellious teenager.

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As John Oliver so rightly pointed out, the “liability reasons” thing is actually a huge myth that most restaurateurs believe in:

The bride not being able to be there points out how truly painful it really is and somehow makes the generosity even more profound to me.

Leonard Nimoy did the same thing for Nichelle Nichols and George Takei.

Yeah, it would be nice if the people in charge could listen to what women are saying about being underpaid and respond, “Hmmm, she’s totally right, I should give her more money” but in reality, if the people in charge are sexist enough to be paying the women less in the first place, they’re sexist enough that seeing

Yeah, I think statement can go both ways. There are times when “it took a man to say it” is a way of calling out a very questionable person who’s latched onto feminism for his own purposes and whose support does little. But there are also so many other times when a man saying it actually makes people listen and

I hope everyone doesn’t respond to this by saying, “So it took a man to say it, and people will listen. . . . .”

You need to stop communicating with this man. He's cheating on his wife and you're not moving on with your life.

I don’t know if this will make you feel better but I think “bad timing” is a cop out excuse. If he wanted you guys to happen, he would not have let a three week relationship stop him.

Well, you know, if it’s true, fuck American Airlines (oops not United). Never flying them then. I don’t want some asshole booting me for no actual reason so that someone else can take my seat.

I’m pretty sure Matt Damon knows when diversity is an issue.

I thought Chiwetel Ejiofor was only cast when an Indian actor had to back out at the last minute?

I really hate this. I have no desire to shame her body. Some people are naturally that skinny and they shouldn’t have to get judged harshly or feel like people are worried by their natural shape.

Oh she pays alright. The highest cost of all.

Same. I actually gasped to see how unhealthy this woman looks.

The craziest thing to me is that this aesthetic reminds me of extreme poverty. When I think of homeless people or some of the people who live in the Brazilian favelas, that’s the kind of stuff they wear (because they can’t afford clothing and take donations and whatnot). And then this dude comes in and launches this

And all the money you save on your hobo couture adventures can be put towards your local homeless shelter. (No one has done this ever, but it would be nice if they did.)

Oh wow, another misogynist woman-hating teenager who wants to murder women en masse because he was rejected by a female. This shit is getting real old. People - stop raising your boys to think that they are *owed* a woman. We are people, we have agency, we are NOT prizes that one can “win” by being nice or because you

Black dresses, beige dresses, white blouses—it’s too much to be a coincidence.

those ankle flares just make it look like the model had some kind of insane growth spurt halfway through the day, and she just has to awkwardly wear too short pants until she can go home and change into something that fits.