
Yeah, this is not remotely similar to that.

I wish her child didn’t have to live with that racist bullshit BUT I also feel that a refund doesn’t cut it when you’re given the wrong goddamn sperm for the express purpose of creating a new human being. I mean, what the actual fuck? How big a scam could these people run when you think of it?

Seeing a lot of people calling her racist but she has been open about how much she loves her daughter. She has also been open about the fact she felt unprepared to raise a child with different cultural needs to her.

Saw this yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I keep asking people how this stunt is any different from that whole “Sharia Law” term that gets thrown about in horror by Christians. Isn’t that fear, in essence, a group of people holding the laws of their faith above the laws of the land?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kim Davis’ understanding of religious freedom is seriously flawed. The marriage license only indicates that the couple has met the legal requirements to qualify for marriage. It does NOT confer religious acceptance of the marriage, so her religion isn’t being violated as far

I know that we don’t want her to become a “martyr” for this cause by going to jail, I also really don’t think those convictions will hold her over for very long. Jail sucks.

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.

BUT I just cannot bring myself to see the Adnan now as a sociopath/psychopath which he would have to be to keep proclaiming his innocence and to do the show to begin with.

Actually reasonable doubt is not the same as “there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that he didn’t do it,” that’s something more like “beyond the shadow of a doubt.” You don’t have to be 100% sure for a finding beyond a reasonable doubt — it’s right there in the instructions that you may still have doubts. It’s just

People are willing to believe a 15-year-old has more sexual agency than an adult, if the adult is a woman and the child is male. That’s why people might feel sorry for her, or think she’s mentally ill, or think the young boy made a choice in the matter while the grown woman had no say.

I hate this woman.

What if she was diabetic and off her meds, would that be okay to talk about? Maybe we need to quit thinking about mental illness as a dirty little secret that needs to be hidden?

Because it’s a trial not a conviction (the due process bit of the Constitution). If she can prove she’s mentally ill to the point she’s not culpable, then she won’t be sent to jail but will be cared for.

Under juvenile law they’re pretty much free and clear in 3 years, with little or no accountability or after care.

That’s my question. Enhanced supervision and a couple years of jail don’t seem like a solution, and they did really heinously try to murder that poor girl. You can’t have them just out and about once they turn 21.

You don’t need adult level cognitive ability to know that stabbing some one 19 times and leaving them to bleed out in a park is wrong...

He also lit someone’s house on fire int he Hamptons because they kicked him out of their party and I think he killed someone’s dog? Real winner, this one.

Somehow the most horrifying thing here is that a 30 year old man told his mother to go to the store to get him a sandwich and a soda - AND SHE DID IT.

The one dead is the shooter. You should probably make that clear unless you wanted to mislead people.

it feels important to post this now