
65% is a B grade?!? What magical heaven is this school?

I know it's odd how some stories just stick with you. Man I can't believe someone was willing to throw those charges out. She wanted that family punished and scared away from their home.

This is a little more than just a "prank". People could have been raped and killed. What a total nut case.

I read about this a few days ago. I HATE that everyone (INCLUDING and ESPECIALLY her) keeps calling them "pranks." 1 or 2 men actually DID show up at the house of this poor woman and then thought maybe they had the wrong house. One of them emailed the "prankster" who told him, they had the right house but that the

"A Superior Court initially dismissed the sex solicitation charges because he agreed that Rowe meant no harm,"

And now her disabled daughter and husband will need professional caretakers. Though, in light of the little I know about this woman, I suspect a professional caretaker will be far more nurturing and professional than she could be, even to her own family members.

i assume the lapd is going to inspect any instance of a beautiful young white woman with a rich old white man, as well. right, lapd?

Beyond infuriating and the picture is just utterly heartbreaking. I can't imagine the anger and shame she felt and it makes me sick to my stomach. We should be past this degrading, racist shit as a country and as a civilization. I know the calendar says it's 2014 but lately it feels like 1814 instead.

This is the official statement from the school. Essentially, Nicki wanted to film in the school.

Going to the police is a separate matter; some students decide to, butt the point of the adjudication process in colleges is to protect students' civil rights. (Title IX says that students can't be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, and sexual violence creates a hostile environment and constitutes

Man I really love the Obamas. They seem like they would be great people to hang out with. I have a college friend whose father was a victim of the Fort Hood shootings (terrible and tragic). But, she got to meet the President and First Lady at the memorial, gave the POTUS a hug (!) and talked to Michelle about her

I can see him doing exactly what this person is accusing him of doing. He's incredibly full of himself, and seems to have a superiority complex based on what I've seen of his show (which is a lot, btw, my roommate watches it all the time). He's shown some rather impulsive and even violent tendencies on the show, so my

Well let's line up the narratives side by side:

Why do so-called "respectable" or "nice-guy" type men rape women? I have no clue, but it happens ALL THE TIME. Wouldn't those victims' stories seem "off" as well? Maybe he was drinking; maybe he is simply a douchebag. That said, I don't think the story sounds "off."

12,000 steps = about six miles. There is no way I have time to walk six miles a day just to justify drinking two sodas.

The guy with this face wanted the world to see him fuck. Beside the absolutely horrendous criminal act he committed against the woman, ponder the fact that this guy, possessor of this face, presumed to think the world needed to see him fuck.

I want Joe Biden to be my dad and give me inspiring talks straight out of a '90s family sitcom.

Someone's going to do it...

Yeah and how much alcohol has been spilled on it? HMMM? SHOULDA WORE THAT NAILPOLISH.