
15-month suspension for making unwanted sexual advances toward clients who were referred to him by the Susan B. Anthony Project for abused women.

First of all, this opens the door to plea bargain discussions, and shows the prosecutors aren't fucking around and the plea won't be community service. Secondly, charging a bunch of separate charges/counts gives the jury the opportunity to convict on a lesser count if they feel like 10 life sentences is too much,

... and they kept the daughter. I'm going to be busy vomiting up my soul for the next few hours.

Isn't that part of the sexist default, though? The dude's job is the most important thing in the family, so everyone moves for it. What about his wife's job? What about the kids' friends? It's actually nice to see the high-flying man make the sacrifice for once.

We have no idea what lead up to her becoming upset. It could have very well been caused by underlying racism, without more facts you cannot make a judgment call either way.

I have been staring at this for ten minutes trying to figure out how it works!

What are some examples of the "more and more progress in women's rights" that have been made in Saudi Arabia? A quick Google didn't help me. . .

Can people PLEASE stop publicly shaming their kids? I know it's cute when you put the "I eat my own feces" sign on a dog, but kids have actual social consequences. It's not okay to BE the bully in your kid's life.

It is true that safe sex should always be practiced, especially in casual sex situations but this sounds like you are blaming the victims and that doesn't do anything productive.

I cannot agree with the statement that they should not be obligated to disclose. How can you put the onus onto someone who doesn't have all the facts disclosed to them? I agree that you should always use condoms for casual sex, but condoms are not perfect and if someone does not wish to take the risk of sleeping with

The song makes it clear that she got drunk and passed out, and then he had sex with her.

There are lots of date rape songs in country music. They call them "Love Songs."

I agree. However, for all we know, that did take place here and the surrogate chose not to abort anyway.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

I feel like in general, if you become a surrogate it is best to be prepared to honour the parents' wishes should they want to abort due to a catastrophic birth defect.

"another date rape song"
.....there's another? Like, as in ANY?

This song just gave me all the chills.

Seeing those kids take the girl's side at the end...if only these things turned out that way in real life.

Finally. Thank you for thinking of the victim(s), Kira.