
Only in Idaho.

Because there's no law saying people have the right to bring guns everywhere. States that have laws protecting women's right to breastfeed say it's legal for them to breastfeed in any place they can legally be.

A friend of mine was told she couldn't breastfeed at a department store because it was against company policy, and she responded, "Unfortunately, you can't have a company policy that violates state law," the guy stuttered out something about her needing to discuss this with a manager and she told him that he and the

I don't need feminism because they're always complaining about the word "pussy."

This is beside the point, but what kind of friend charges you rent to stay in her guest room for a few weeks after a break up?

I'm just ending a 6 year relationship and moving out of state tomorrow. I've relinquished all furniture, pictures, linens and awesome vintage things we collected together. I still have enough for a 16 ft Penske that will go straight into storage while I go back to live with my father for a few months and try to figure

Yup. That's me. Ms. Serious.

We'll agree to disagree. I think it is much more nuanced than that. Mocking the powerful is a very important part of exposing oppressive frameworks.

You forget one very important thing: power dynamic. There's a reason you won't hear anyone talking about Jews or Muslims this way. It's called "punching up." Christian privilege exists in the United States. Christianity is extremely powerful. Christians have the upper hand within oppressive frameworks versus

Bigotry against Christians in america? LOL U must be joking.

I bet this guy was Christian!

I don't think movie reviews are supposed to be objective. If they were, they'd just be a short plot summary and the runtime.

"[Firth] has a briefly seen, occasionally mentioned fiancée named Olivia (Catherine McCormack), who is a fellow skeptic and an intellectual peer, meaning that she has no chance with him."

There is no denying that the NFL's main concern is their profit margin. But when they can place Justin Blackmon on indefinite suspension for pot and only suspend Rice for two games after his physical assault, the NFL is saying "Not only do we put our profit margin first, but we also do not give a fuck about women!"

Michael Vick's Consequences:

NOPE. Vick is fucking celebrated and very much alive and well in the NFL. Even some of my fellow dog-owner friends made excuses for this guy because FOOTBALL. Find another angle. Dogs and women are all just a bunch of bitches to the NFL.


The only thing I'll even willingly admit here is 4 close friends and I were all engaged in various conflagrations of sexual congress, in the living room, when my roommate came home. He was quite taken aback, and also slightly annoyed, as he had just purchased the furniture we were all fucking on earlier that very