
These shorts should be banned too.

Another reason might be because they aren't permitted to enjoy the fairly-basic human right of sexual freedom.

So you say "people can do whatever they want with their bodies", but in the next breath ask "Why?" and cast judgement. I thought Jezebel was sex positive and against shaming? What gives?

Maybe it is to remind us that in some parts of the world girls are killed because they are raped and there is something to appreciate about a country where women can show their tits without being stoned to death?

Right! It's like having a black president eliminated racism... oh wait...

Maybe you should ask why it's so believable then.

And a nanny. And several hidden cameras.

And a housekeeper.

You know that EVERY SINGLE ONE of these dragons has at least two kids, a stay at home wife, and a mistress.

Riiight, because this attitude among older businessmen is soo wildly implausible that it must be made up. Evil, feminists.... always conspiring!

Yes it is an invalid point that can be casually dismissed. The police have stated publicly that they have video proof of the punch, but they offered him a plea deal because it was a first offense. That's why there's no conviction, not because there's doubt that he did it.

They believe it is their job to punish them, yes. The NFL has a code of conduct in its bylaws, agreed to by the player's union, that permits the commissioner to suspend players who tarnish the league's image with negative behaviors, such as being arrested or generally acting like an asshole.

They suspend players for off-field stuff, yes.

how about button down shirts that are sized according to bra size and waist size? For example instead of my usual large size shirt, it would be 36D / 30.

No, not really. Just my husband, myself, my kids and all of our relatives and many friends. We don't joke about the Holocaust but maybe that's just us.

Right. She should sue him for a sincere apology and that's it.

Gee, I don't know. Maybe because nearly half of my ancestors died in it?

You generally nail it, but this is, as they say, "punching down," and without humor.

She initially told investigators that a stranger came into her bunk in the middle of the night, because she "didn't want to get him, a friend, in trouble" (a claim that, of course, was used to discredit her later).