
No wonder she didn't name her attacker immediately; look how both the school board and her former classmates are treating her after she named him. Her initial statement that she got raped by a stranger discredits her? No, you assholes, it discredits you.

We're not happy that a bunch of people lost their jobs, we're happy that one of the many ventures of an unpunished child molester was unsuccessful. There's good in bad and bad in good. You can celebrate one bit while regretting the other, and they don't cancel each other out, either.

You lose credibility when you attempt to argue that the word threat only means credible threat. He threatened it. You don't think the threat was credible, and you may have a point (although his later "I'm going to come to your place of business" tweet undermines your position), but that doesn't erase the threat.

I try not to belittle the things that a man experiences when a baby is coming but give me a break..... none of it compares to being pregnant or giving birth.

You did not go through any birth.

Puerto Rico has been a US territory for over 100 years, so in divorce rate, the US has the first two positions.

Wow, my hair got botched last week and I've been feeling guilty about my negative Yelp review. I feel so much more reasonable now!

I'm sure she and her PR team would absolutely agree with you that WE NEED TO EMPOWER GIRLS!!!11

Mmhmm. So victims are those who don't "have power within"? You don't see how this is one small step away from saying rape victims = sluts with no self-esteem?

Because when you allow a person to be an individual and you allow a person to have power within and have confidence on who they are, you'll never have to look into the eyes of a man and question whether it's a yes or a no. She's gonna be very clear: No. She's gonna be very clear: yes. And she's gonna be in a position

The "Not Rape" titty shot is classy and does not scream "I am desperate for attention" at all.

HIV-istan?! REALLY?!?!?!

After I read The Poisonwood Bible I never could look at missionary work the same way again.

assists neglected Kenyan kids by providing food, housing, clothes and religion


Back in 2004, there was a profile of Mischa Barton in Allure in which she had this to say about her appearance at a benefit for survivors of the Beslan massacre, in which 334 people, mostly children, died: "Oh. For these Russian victims of like, acts of terror. Most people didn't know who I was because they were all

Back in 2004, there was a profile of Mischa Barton in Allure in which she had this to say about her appearance at a benefit for survivors of the Beslan massacre, in which 334 people, mostly children, died: "Oh. For these Russian victims of like, acts of terror. Most people didn't know who I was because they were all

She has also stood up as a voice for those afflicted with beauty: "The truth is, pretty people aren't as accepted as other people. It comes with all these stigmas."

Her full quote was:

the tone here is kind of flippant for a story about someone getting shot in the head.