
For real. They would probably turn up their noses at my usual nightlife of sweat pants and Netflix, but I'm 100% sure I have the better deal going on.

I'm not sure why Kristin Huggins felt like she couldn't get hurt

I think she means that even in the last hundred years (modern life), people have been killed simply for being Jewish. Millions of people, in fact. I don't think she means she thinks everyone wants to murder her. It's a hard thing to understand if you don't live with it, but Jews are targeted all over the world, simply

You keep insisting she's fucking someone else. Because a woman is always fucking someone. And if it isn't the man who is right there offering then it is someone else. It just couldn't be that the lazy sod she's married to has de-evolved into a lump who thinks foreplay consists of "hey, how 'bout it?" A woman/wife is

"Look smart" was like the worst possible way they could have introduced this. "Look like a smart person, not a black person!"

You'd have to ask individuals. We're all different, and aren't one homogenous being with a hive mind.

Women wear clothing (and shoes) for themselves, NOT for men. And, have you ever heard of the phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover"? Yeah, you should try that. Oh, and quit telling women what or what not to wear, let alone try to make people abide by your standard of "normal".

That's one of the ways my father abused me, and one of the reasons my mother claims to have no knowledge. But there were other signs that alone wouldn't be too terrible, but all together I have to constantly remind myself that there's simply no way she didn't know or suspect.

She sold me out because she was

I'm glad it was put out there on the air from someone with the voice that Oprah has, that it is okay to have found the abuse pleasurable. Maybe it's becoming a little less taboo to say it now, but I'm so glad she told him that it's not wrong to feel that way.

...explaining that given the amount of negative attention the family has received, he wishes that for their sake, he had stayed silent.

The only reason she was arrested was because she is black.

Yes. It is completely fucked that you think a woman backed into a legal corner by poverty shouldn't be the subject of charity.

So I'm supposed to post a photo of my puppy here, right? Here's Coleman after a rousing round of fetch:

How is this any different than when I was a kid playing at what was a 10-15 minute walk away from my house in the giant open field? Nevermind, answered my own question, I lived in a predominately white suburb so OKAY THEN.

Employment law attorney here. I would be very careful with this - if you indicate in any way that the reason you are not hiring her is because she is pregnant, she can bring an action against you for discrimination and the penalties can be pretty hefty (probably more than you would spend training her and hiring a

You don't have to pay her during leave, you just have to not fire her. Hire her if she is qualified, then get her to build transition documentation for a temp to prep for her departure.

In the US, paternity leave is not required by any measure at all - it's just company policy-based (although I don't know if you are in the US). I know someone who went to work two hours after his kid was born. It's so... SO terrible for the whole family not to give both parents leave.

Do you want to pick the lesser candidate in return for, what, 6-8 weeks of maternity leave for her? It's not that long to do without (assuming this is really a new position).

How long do employees stay with your company? If you are hiring an employee to be with you for five years, 12 weeks of extra cost doesn't seem an outrageous expense to get a better employee (and comply with the law). If you expect your employees to move on after 6 months or a year, fit and competency are less

How is this not distribution of child pornography?