
Rape still isn't funny, even when it's prison rape.

I hate that when I read "AWESOME" I just assumed you were being sarcastic because that is what I expect from universities right now.

Sure it is. My childhood was unsupervised. I was basically pushed out the door and told to be home when the street lights came on.

What's really upsetting about this story is that it's happening at the same time as reproductive rights restrictions. So: Don't have an abortion, don't have access to birth control, but once you have that kid, child care? You're on your own.

Left them for the length of a haircut?! NOPE. Good on those folks for breaking that window. That mother is a fucking idiot.

Wow, I am impressed with her, more like her actions needed.

As someone who trains service dogs for a living - if Koda is legitimately her service dog, and not just an emotional support dog (which do not legally have public access rights most places), her rights were violated and it sounds like TJ Maxx as a company is responding appropriately by apologizing (although ideally it

Kara, I read it, and noted the several people who spoke up on her behalf. Hollywood is full of many truly horrible people...why is there so much coverage of Heigl's difficulties? Whether she is a true problem on sets or just plainspoken, I still feel the level of coverage of her behavior arises from sexism.

I just graduated from UMiami. I was very proud of how they handled this.

wow. I just threw up in my mouth a bit.

This is now the second Jezebel post on Katherine Heigl being difficult. I have no problem with this particular post, exactly, but with the trajectory in general. While it's true that badly behaved people who generate tons of money are tolerated, it's sad to see a supposedly feminist website again ignoring the fact

Could this have been a case of "she doesn't look 'disabled' so she's probably not really hurt"?

Someone who requires a service dog has a difficulty as serious as that of a blind person who uses a seeing-eye dog. Service dogs are working dogs who are trained to help people who could otherwise not easily function in public places/on public transportation/etc. go out and live far more normal lives. Can you

After reading the horrible comments questioning the existence of certified service dogs, I was appalled at people's indifference to those with disabilities. Then I thought about if for a moment and became less surprised - if this girl had a physical disability, there would be only positive comments for her. But she

As someone who tried having an emotional support animal and was accosted at every turn, these "educational opportunities" end up completing negating the benefits of the animal in the first place. Belligerent sales associates/baristas/Amtrak employees.....I ended up essentially agoraphobic on top of my depression for 6

What you don't understand is that (a) she doesn't have to; and (b) it isn't legal to ask her to do it. And for the sake of argument, how do you know what size the carts are at that store? Some retail stores have small carts.

What part of "Emotional Support Service" are you getting tripped up on?

In the KFC story the branch that it reportedly happened at denied the incident. The TJMaxx store in Nashua is not denying the encounter happened.