
"The snide comments and casual racism here is just ridiculous."

Good luck with the rest of fatherhood, buddy.

This looks like a mugshot.

If Utah had prosecuted him for any of the restraining order violations, this may not have happened. This asshole "collapsed" in court today.

I hate the term "execution style". It sounds like a way to make fried chicken.

his right to a well-regulated militia?

Agreed. If there's anything good that comes out of this story, it's that at least I learned that a brave and great and wonderful girl, Jada, exists in this godforsaken cesspool called earth.

I can't wait for Size 007: for the deadly, debonair debutante.

They all look so great!

Yeah, he's not Teddy's guardian, he's his godfather.

I remember JKR saying in an interview that Teddy was raised by Tonks' mom, Andromeda—but that Teddy was constantly visiting over at Harry's.

I think the gang as adults can actually work...but not as an afterthought "and they all lived happily ever after". If you give them something to do, then great.

Oh yeah. Umbridge was way scarier because you actually see people like her all the time. I think the 5th book is hardest for me to read because I just spend it all bubbling with rage over her.

Let's just all remember to take Rita Skeeter with a grain of salt. She is known for writing things that aren't necessarily true. Everyone is posting that Ron is balding now; when I read that, in my mind I imagined him constantly asking Hermione if it's true, while unconsciously touching his head. Also, there is NO WAY

Umbridge was WAY scarier.

"Does Hermione Granger prove that a witch really can have it all? (No – look at her hair.)"

I am not for lowering standards, but I am for looking into adaptations or improvements to standards. If she can't do the requisite pull ups but can dead lift or squat a soldier, than I am for letting her through. And yes, there are ladies who cannot do a pull up and are still beasts at weight lifting and endurance

On the one hand, yes, there are physiological differences. On the other, let's look at something only tangentially related: this year, three women have completed the first stage of American Ninja Warrior (no woman has completed it prior to this season). Two of the three are relatively "tiny" women, the third is

Overly Personal Impersonal Zombies: "Six years ago, I made the greatest decision of my life and married (tagged spouse name). Darling, as much as I loved you then, I love you even more every day. Happy anniversary!"