
First reaction: Kind of sad that they mention "wives, sisters, daughters" and omitted assault on males entirely in the video. Can't you just use gender-neutral terminology for the sake of being all-inclusive?

Part-time jobs are real jobs. The football team is also a unit, yet each individual gets paid. It is clearly not a voluntary position, as it comes with auditions, restrictions and requirements.

And again, lots of people contribute to the economic value of the team and the entertainment experience even if the ticket

The team creates economic value by delivering entertainment to a mass audience. The cheerleaders are part of that entertainment experience. They are, therefore, contributing to the economic value created. If they do not contribute to the entertainment experience, then by all means, don't pay them - but then also do

Yeah, ignore the women who built the machinery used in WWII and that helped spur job growth for women, the women who contributed as spies and in resistance movements. Sexism doesn't equal a lack of presence or role in history, just what those roles tended to be for the majority of women at the time, but certainly not

Because World War II was an event that touched every living person on the planet in some way (hence the title "world") and women make up roughly half of the world's population, you could absolutely create curriculum that was half about what women were doing that time.

What makes it not a "real job"? They perform work, they deliver economic value to the organization.

Personally, I think it's pretty fantastic that someone who has had an opportunity to be valued as literally one of the most beautiful women in the world (because not just model: super model) is taking a step back and saying, "Yeah, this is cool - but smart is cooler."

I don't know her and have never heard her speak

Black girl here. For years I dated a guy who was also not white, but I didn't know until we'd been together for a while that he was not really that okay with black people in general. He viewed me as somehow exceptional, and it made me sick inside to know that he felt that black people had to prove themselves to him,

Misogynists marry women all the time. It means absolutely nothing about their actual feelings towards a person they are supposed to love or care about.

just as a side note- how athletic a mascot is depends on the mascot. Some do perform athletic feats akin to the cheerleaders (best example is the NBA Mascot Bucky, the the NFL Miami Dolphin gets into some shinannigans too) and it's not that their costume is "uncomfortable" it's cumbersome and can lead to heatstroke if

Mascots are an intriguing comparison, but the problem isn't a direct comparison of wage rates. Currently, that's comparing apples and oranges.

Mascots stand around and dance. Cheerleaders get thrown into the air—and they're the ones who should be paid less and not have health insurance? Meeting exacting physical standards, spending time training and practicing, and performing physical stunts that are both risky and difficult in front of crowds isn't a real

I guess you haven't read any of the articles about this so far. It's not just about having slightly lower wages than the mascot—many of these professional cheerleaders are barely paid at all, and are required to pay for monthly salon visits out of pocket. They have gratuities taken from them, their management

I hope this increases sales of Sherman Alexie's books. He's a damned good writer.

Or maybe people define success differently. Success doesn't always equate to money or fame or power. And it can be defined as being happy or being creative or helping people or any other number of things that are not represented here. So maybe some first born girls are more "ambitious" but it does not make them more

#2) This disgusts me so much. If your friends continue to be friends with harrassing douchebag, they are signaling to HDB that he can harass with impunity; that there are no consequences for his behavior. THAT is what you need to communicate to them; not that it "hurts you," but that he has violated societal norms of

Please read this before going off the handle? She was given an ASD test (which is very common) and tested negative for alcohol, so wasn't requested to go to the station and get a breathalyzer. Her husband was a cop in York, not South Simcoe, and the family of the dead boy is suing the Simons with completely libelous

I feel like this isn't nearly as ridiculous as you are trying to make it sound. She is counter suing the family first of all, it isn't like she is suddenly trying to make money off this tragedy. It is probably designed to get them to drop theirs. She was speeding, but about 5-6 miles over so it wasn't like this

I'll be That Guy. There's a lot being done to play up how awful this person is—woman driver! SUV! speeding (by 6mph)!—but I've had some terrifying encounters with idiots on bicycles. Like, there but for the grace of whoever go I in my car over the bicycle and body of some dipshit that thinks it's acceptable to ride

please remove this - this would be like saying walking into a hotel room to find a man fucking a child - not gross but HORRIFIC HORRIFIC animal abuse! If you find this even remotely funny i think your time as a human in this planet ought to be just about up.