
Ahmad Alkhalifa

Asa Dickerson

Milain Fayulu

andre stolier

anthony- abdelnour

Because they're engaging in illegal activity that is endangering the health and well-being of others around them. When they created an environment where drug use, physical violence, and rape was systematically encouraged, they lost their entitlement to privacy. Obviously we've all done embarrassing and questionable

Being a rapist isn't "dirty laundry," and this isn't invasion of's more like a fucking public service announcement.

Philomon dawit

Well it's not the most fun aspect of my job but here we are.

Awesome job, Erin. Thank you for your hard work on this.

I searched for and verified the student status of the people mentioned by name in the emails.

Thank you for not redacting the names.

Here's what I posted on i09 this morning:

Another quote from director Alex Graves:

$12k doesn't seem like enough. They need to shut that place down. No tricks and shows at all.

I've got no problem with the victims of car accidents, plane crashes, and tornadoes taking their selfies. They're the ones who experienced the trauma. They can deal with it how they choose to.

Yep, major difference between the selfies of the survivors and the selfies of the gaping assholes on the highway choosing someone's suicide attempt as background.

Jesus. I don't own or want any diamonds either, for the same reasons you describe, but why so bitter? Who cares how other people spend their money? "so very. very fucking happy" that someone else, however stupid or shallow you find her, is upset? Why don't you find something less mean-spirited to make yourself happy?

Idiot Loses $10K Engagement Ring After Leaving It in a Dressing Room