
My friend and I were discussing that this morning; our first thought was "thank God the kid didn't have a gun."

I saw another version of this story. It had an interview with the postman, Marty McFly, who could not explain what happened either.

I would sob my heart out if I received a much-delayed letter from my mom. She's been dead a few months shy of five years, and I still miss her like crazy.

Both this and the linked story seem to be missing a crucial bit of information... how exactly did the letters go missing for 45 years?!

I think I might call her Scarjo just because of this. Seriously never did before.

And this is why people with English degrees are important. Liberal arts FTW.

Just nobody tell Fox News that the commemorative quote on the 9/11 memorial is about two gay terrorists ... or, if you do, give me time to heat up some popcorn first.

I think the quote would be okay if they actually picked for those reasons but I have feeling someone Googled "quotes about loss and remembrance" and this popped up. Plus, the whole world already think we are uneducated and corny. Do we really need a monument that proves it?

This is good but she is still anti-choice.

Title IX requires universities to investigate reported cases with a threshold of "more likely than not" (as opposed to "beyond a reasonable doubt") and to give students information on how to file criminal charges. The university system is not a university system and the worst it can do is expel a student and ban them

They can and should adopt a lower threshold than the criminal justice system.

Oh yes, because the correct response to this sort of thing is to fire the woman you were kissing and then refuse to actually be held accountable. HERP DERP.

"In this case, shaven is a better look."

White guy appropriates/exploits minority identity for profit? Sounds like business as usual to me.

Based on her comments, I would very much enjoy seeing Kim Kardashian without eyebrows.

There are already comments on their Facebook page, on the videos on YouTube and on Twitter about them.

I really hope they get some pushback on this. Alas, I fear that they won't.

I'm a teacher and was talking with a group of 13 year old girls last year when they started talking about shaving their arms. I suggested they shouldn't worry about that and told them we have enough to deal with in life without adding worrying about arm hair. They then explained that they all removed their pubic hair.

This is the definition of aplomb. A genteel smile in the presence of a naked warrior with ass tattoos.

Honestly? If you believe in astrology of any kind, I'm judging you and your critical thinking/analytical skills.