It is more intact than I would of expected but you are totally right. No passengers could have survived I'm sure.
It is more intact than I would of expected but you are totally right. No passengers could have survived I'm sure.
You guys don't understand...French military posturing is always a prelude to capitulation and ridicule.
As long as people do this, I'll pass on the right.
Feels just fine. Nice of you to ask.
What's even more unfortunate is that you aren't worth the air anymore than she is.
this has nothing to do with overtaking, vs not overtaking, anyone.
Passing on the right was not the issue here though..... It was the 4-lane single move and her not looking far enough up the road ahead to know the lorry was there....
I'm afraid they're going to end up in the same situation as the 2007 Rockies, getting so incredibly hot that they run train to the World Series, and then have to wait 7-10 days for the NLCS to finish, and there goes all the momentum. But I'm sure as hell enjoying their ride in the meantime, I'm totally on the Royal…
Putting it down FROM DOWNTOWN!!! haha #NeverForget
Just hiding out for a bit laying low before shootaround lol #Amsterdam
I think you're reading too much into some creative license. Harper hit home runs in every Nationals post-season game except Game 2 (the only one I attended, sadly), so the author is making a little joke. He's not actually saying that Harper hits home runs in every single game. That would be silly. Lighten up.
He may also want to rethink the new nickname he gave himself this offseason - the NBA Finals Solution.
Pictured: Members of two different groups who vowed never to be burned by the Heat ever again.
I was searching for this post and finally found it. Thank you. Now I can move on with my day.
I think I found Kershaw's problem - per ESPN, he was only giving 108% of his pitches in the NLDS. Gotta give that last 2%!
To be fair, when he works with the kids, he really puts their blood, sweat and tears into it.
Beslach says he was giving colleagues a PowerPoint presentation on company turnover.
In a similar story, Hilter lost in fantasy when he benched Operation Barbarossa until June.
Ned Yost started him, but relieved him after the first touchdown.
Most of the players in the Women's World Cup play on turf during the year, so I'm not seeing what the problem is here.