

Why is it that discussions about baseball statistics like this are almost always more interesting than the games themselves? ;)

"Old Dirty Bastard to compete in ATP Champions Tour Event"

Hey lookit! Another movie that these two don't like very much. That's like the 50th in a row.

Lemme guess,this was the surgeon?

UPDATE: Photo of the surgery from inside the Trauma Center

Pete Rose.

I always assumed it was a big, fat hoax. But, in looking back, it turns out guys like Gamboa Constrictor, Clinton Portishead and Rare Endangered Vuvezela really did used to comment here.

These minimalist logo things are getting lazier and lazier.

No punching going on here... Not even foul language. The shot sucks because the shooters in my angle but it happens. I'm sure TV guys hate my guts over and over for the same thing.

i guess the people at BIG DREW have got you right where they want you.

I'm confused by this post...nothing is in CAPS. How am I supposed to KNOW what is IMPORTANT.

Why ? Do YOU think only African American males wear hoodies? Look closely - there are a number of people in these renderings that could be African American. Stop hating.

That doesn't even make sense. I feel like people recommend your comments more out of habit than anything else.

Richie could have avoided this if he had just remained anonymous. Like, worn a disguise, or gone undercover or something. I swear there is a word for this, it's just hidden from me right now.

That's crazy talk. Sriracha is outrageously tasty.

I don't/doing understand/stood the/that question(s). It is/was hard to read/ing.

Oh yeah everything is his fault