
A new study says that standing up at your desk doesn’t actually decrease your risk of death-by-office, unless you’re physically active otherwise.

Lots of other factors you could plot out. # of VC's + VC investment would show a much higher correlation. # of college grads, # of PhD's. And why not benchmark other "gentrifying" cities with patents? -> Click on NFL -> Scroll down -> "Super Bowl 49: Here's what it's like trying to tackle Marshawn Lynch"

The completionist in me wants to get all the shards so I can access the inner cave. The asshole in me wants to punch my TV when I jump/climb/slide-down a hill 50 times to get 3 feet away from a shard.

This is the absolute worst. I recently finished a graduate program at USC, and there was one intersection where cops would wait for "jaywalkers" to cross across the parking lot to our building. The "walk" sign would stay on for about 2 seconds. If you stepped onto the crosswalk 3 seconds in, when the countdown started

Inferential statistics.

Dear Lord... I can generally tolerate this stuff but that was supremely disturbing.

I struggle with this too. People love good listeners, so it's best to err on the side of talking about them or asking them questions. Most of the time when we talk we focus on what we're saying and not what the other person is, so a good listener really stands out as likable. If you're generally asking questions and

It's the middle row of numbers straight down.

You'll get used to the diet switch. It takes a few weeks, if not a couple months, but knowing one can of sugared soda is about a mile on a treadmill really helps (think "I can run 3 miles today, or 2 miles and switch out 1 can for a diet.") I don't drink Diet regularly, but if I'm at a soda fountain I'll drink it over

1) Switch to Diet soda.

The trees I can believe, but that backdrop... no matter how many times I look at it, I can't see it as just a sand dune.

Or you can just drag and drop "System Preferences" into your Dock. Takes a few more clicks than seeing them all listed, but it's tidy.

Dunno how long you've been going to the gym, but I've seen this (and have asked this myself) many times. It's not like it happens every week (maybe not even every month), but it's common gym courtesy.

Facebook has some ranking algorithm that probably leaves people you know/sorta know/in some extended network near the top of these widgets. On Giz I see like 3 of my Facebook friends on the widget, and 2-3 more acquaintances.

Should have done the athlete thing and accuse somebody of stealing his phone/hacking into his Twitter account.

No, No (but I will this summer), Yes.

Cloud computing? Their NC server farm?

This is so unbelievably sad and enlightening at the same time.