
@jawnc: Lots of plugins are AU-only. Off the top of my head, ones I use are the free Tapehead Massey, Aalto synth plugin, EXS24 (Logic sampler, sorta unfair comparison), Airwindows plugins... I'm sure I can think of more but I use these frequently, along with Waves and Sonnox plugins (which are cross-platform). I use

@Phendraana: You had me until your Apple comment. Most good music software is Mac-only, and most cross platform plugins generally run better on a Mac. There are practical reasons why people own Macs, other than to "look cool."

@Brady's-Knee-Solution: But Gladwell's never been a guest on the BS Report... you're basing all this on conjecture.

"A shotgun blast to the chest, legs, or face should suitably disable an opponent so they cannot continue to attack the player at full speed"

@BacteriaEP: Sorry, your comment should read:

@Sayne: Break wine glass: $5. Break iPad: $500.

@GoodBytes: Ribbons are not the be-all, end-all. I used to work with a pair of Adam Audio monitors, and now I prefer working with my Dynaudio Airs. Good loudspeakers are good loudspeakers.

Not sure if large, frequently-handled, breakable objects are good around alcohol.

@Gravity: I'm sure you'd be more likely to study Proton Beam therapy than the theoretical physicists at the LHC:

Something like this has already happened before? In 1978, a Russian scientist accidentally stuck his head through a proton beam. Still alive.

@SparklyJesus: Physicists know many details about the universe, but not how they relate to the human body. The article poses a physiological question, not a theoretical physics one. Physicists study the mechanisms behind, say, the projectile of a bullet. Physicians study how trauma like that would affect the human

Would you run to a physicist if you got stabbed in the hand? No, you'd run to a doctor. Methinks asking a doctor this question would've made more sense.

It's amazing how much of the "casual crowd" uses iPads now. I got my star from a mini iPad review on this site, commenting under Brian's review. I must admit back then I had higher expectations of the iPad than what transpired—I've realized most of what I do on a computer is fairly "computer"-based (produce music,

Did anybody else read this in an NPR/This American Life tone?

@2 replies: I use my phone as a watch. I don't require it to be on 24 hours; whenever I want to look at the time, I click the lock button to check. So I don't think anybody would use this if they needed to charge it every night... but then again I charge my phone ever night, so maybe?

@alex-y: And I would've told him which girls to avoid.

@2 replies: You listen to 24 hours of music a day? Apple's only quoted 24 hours of music playback.

@Audaxero: Yeah, I kept scanning the article to see if they'd mention that carbon fiber jacket. Alas... no. I couldn't care less for a carbon fiber belt.

@frrost: Different dress, different girl.