
So this wasn't taken with a rolling shutter?

@Merikov: Wait, I thought that's what Apple does?

@jcarrnelson: I produce electronic music, and DJ semi-regularly. I know the difference between trance, progressive, house, techno, and electro =).

@jcarrnelson: No, I'm not talking about trance, I'm referring to techno. Richie Hawtin's stuff from 2000-2005, some of Jeff Mills' older sets, Function, Sandwell District, Ben Klock, Marcel Dettmann. There's hypnotic techno out there you know~

Um, did you mean "an" 8-inch square? Because that sensor's actually about 64 inches squared.

Good techno sets are awesome for runs. I don't mean the bam-bam-bam-bam stuff, I mean the stuff that starts out slow, hypnotic, introspective, and gradually builds up. Good songs selected by a knowledgeable DJ, with good flow for the ups and downs of your run, and a few of those 'heck yea!' moments for a couple

@fastactingrelief: Good models don't always have the same pose. I think it's a matter of knowing how to look at the camera, knowing your best angles* (plural intended), and being confident when smiling in them.

@khdownes: Yeah, until the camera shoots 2-3 seconds too late, and then you look like an out-of-breath retarded frog. I think it just takes some practice. Some of my "genuine" smiles look overdone, and some of my fake smiles look great, because they've been held there, and my eyes aren't super tired (from holding a

@outrageouschaos: Dunno, I can't really get myself to take modeling classes.

Ugh, this annoys me to no end. I've even gone so far as thinking about taking a couple modeling classes to figure out how to smile on the spot without looking like a retarded frog.

@BeerManMike: BA has a good list of beer bars and beer store reviews. Check it out, shouldn't be terribly difficult to locate some Russian River beers around you. They're all excellent (except for Damnation, which is quite good but not exceptional).

@BeerManMike: Fairly difficult to find, but where in the US are you? The brewery's located in Napa Valley — they make some of the best IPA's and sour ales in the world. Should find Pliny the River, Blind Pig, or Russian River IPA on tap in NorCal or San Diego pretty easily — OC and LA frequently. They've been bottling

@mgtube: Sorry, I've tried all the Trappist ales and many Cantillons, Fantomes, but American beers still stand out. Russian River, Lost Abbey, Dogfish Head, Alesmith, Alpine, Firestone. The good stuff is expensive (I have several old bottles of Russian River sours — regularly go for $50+ on eBay) and hard to find.

@BeerManMike: Arrogant Bastard is terrible. Try Russian River's Pliny the Elder.

@Hooray4Zoidberg: That's compression/limiting at work right there. The "overall loudness" has nothing to do with headroom. It's an RMS-measurement (root-mean-square) that takes the *average* level of the volume throughout a track. Producers tell engineers to "make a song loud." The engineer can't drive the song into

@styfle: It really shouldn't be... you may be hearing more compressed dynamics (so the quieter sections are louder), but the "peaks" are supposed to be the same volume. That said, "normalizing" searches for a peak in the waveform, and measures all other peaks to that level. So if you had a very quiet track with a

Most audio (especially music) has been mastered, meaning it's gone through the process of normalizing levels to default standards. You wouldn't encounter this problem as often as you think.

@NewSc2: Addendum: You can copy/paste objects using Cmd-C/X and Cmd-V like you would in Windows, just not with files.

@CptnGrammar: It supports copying and pasting overall (even provides a handy universal mouse gesture—Option+Drag), but it doesn't support it within its file system (Finder). Used to be my biggest gripe about OSX, but I've gotten used to Cmd-N'ing a new Finder window and dragging files to windows side by side. I

I realized I had a little problem last night when I whipped out my iPhone when I was pissing just to check the weather for today. Like it couldn't wait 30 seconds. And I regularly browse the internet on my iPhone or iPad for a good 10-20 minutes before dozing off to sleep.