
No problem. I'm still recovering from my own rape and know firsthand how challenging it is.

Wow. Feel free to tell the fam that information about your job is off-limits per confidentiality policies if you don't feel like dealing with all that bullshit. Jesus.

Even if she decides to stay, a positive result of calling the police is that it will start a paper trail that can be useful in the future as the abuse escalates. Also, police involvement may actually scare him/deter him from attacking her again. Tell her parents as well. She needs the support. None of this means

Just know, that many here do understand and you don't owe anyone an explanation about your feelings or actions beyond the information you have determined you're comfortable disclosing. You don't have to convince anyone of anything. I wish you the best with your recovery and the open case. I wish for you a COMPLETE

I will only fuck smart men.

Actually I just had an opinion about a trend I noticed on this site. I mean, if you think this trend of emasculating hackers/computer science types doesn't exist and it's some kind of fantasy in my head then I suppose something else could be going on. But I think that trend is real and actually very evident in the

Oh. Sorry. Facetious intent can be difficult to read in these commenting forums sometimes.

I'm a woman and FIGJAM's response is 100% successful for me.

I just don't get the whole computer science/hacker=emasculation thing, and the way people resort to that as a way to belittle men who have that expertise.

Wow. That's really serious. Nope. No internet access for that kid, for sure.

What was the scope of the crimes he committed? I see reference to stealing a pay-pal account in the article. Other things also, that he may or may not have been responsible for. What did he DO?

Was that a stalking type issue zombiechic?

This!!! You are absolutely correct. Pay no attention to pedantic assholes with nothing substantive to add to the discussion except how cool they are?

So, so gifted. I hope his rehabilitative process is geared toward acknowledging and nurturing that. 6 the time he;s able to access technology again he will be hopelessly behind where he is now in terms of proficiency. Maybe they could give him a job dealing with National Security or something. He knows

I don't know the specifics of his probation, and how the terms of his probation may evolve depending on age appropriate circumstances. Though he undoubtedly violated the rights of others, many, many times, it would be a clear violation of his civil rights to compromise or outright block his access to education, and

I don't know why some people feel like being a hacker means you don't know the touch of a woman. I'm a woman and I think that depending on whether you use your powers for good or evil, that being a hacker, or computer engineer for example, can be really hot. But I'm kinda a homebody and don't have much need to go

This makes me want to drink too. The whole thing, but especially the part about the police never testing the DNA samples, no subpoenas issued for all of the male employees, and closing her case. Were she from a wealthy, influential family the rapist would have been identified and held accountable. There is nothing

Heartbreaking. I am so sorry that your great aunt had to go through that experience. I can only imagine the anguish involved for the situation to lead to a suicide attempt. Again, I am so sorry for her pain.

The causative relationship between prenatal testing and the reduction in DS babies is accurate.

I'm wondering, what do people attribute the astronomical success of 50 Shades to? It's success is undoubtedly meaningful. What is the psychology driving it?