
This is very interesting. Please elaborate if you care to. Seems extraordinarily relevant.

Your comment is completely without nuance. American rape culture is surely abhorrent. If you can’t see or acknowledge any appreciable differences at all between how rape culture articulates itself here, and what is happening in Baghpat, I can’t help you.

I feel uncomfortable about the proximity of this story to the rape story on the front page. It just seems in bad taste.

Right. One decent person emerges from this entire situation and some people think that now is a good time to LOL at the illiterate, even though he’s the only person trying to help her and the children. Smh. Mean.

Agreed. It’s telling that’s she’s a rich, attractive, celebrity (lots of access to prospective partners) and never bothered to remarry or, even be be linked to someone as a long term SO.

I know, right? She can wear all the gold leaf, owl winged, sparkly sparkly beige shit she wants. Anybody who thinks this woman can be checked aestheticswise is delusional.

That is definately another viable option that is better than the mother retaining custody. For sure. It’s crazy to send them back to the same school in the same community, under the same names. Crazy.

What kind of car is she in? That. Is. Amazing.

Nope. Didn’t say that. Was dealing within the frame of the specifics of this case. We are discussing a child rapist and a weatlthy father. Those are the factual components of the story. Da fuq is wrong with u lol?

Don’t do it girl. Porn is forever. Take the hush money behind door number one and be done with it.

I’m an adult who lives in my parent’s home due to a disability and the way it impacts my ability to reenter the job market. You really should not be so judgemental. Living against cultural norms causes tremendous suffering and is incredibly damaging to ones self image.

I’m surprised as well, especially in light of the obscene wealth of the father. He could certainly afford to take them, and it would have to be easier for them to finish school with him, in a new community where they are not widely known as the children of a rapist. I am baffled as to how her retaining custody is in

I know, right. That surgeon performed Magic. Makes me want to stuff all my cash, including the 5’s and 1’s in my pockets, bra, panties, and shoes, run to L.A., find them, and be like “Take me into your magical arms and magically magify meeeeeee pleeeaaaseee!!!!!”. Fucking. Amazing.


I wish I was you.

Their have been some other great nose jobs that have taken people from beautiful to exquisiste. Scarlette Johanson, Salma Hayak, Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry. They had good ones as well. Granted, nothing reaches the transformative level of what happened to Aslee Simpson (but I think she may have shaved off some of her

She crushes this dress. All curvy bitches do. That’s all I see wearing them!

His Trap Queen was really good. He can get it.

This picture is frightening. This bitch is frighteneing.

I don’t care whose gaze people say it is, or whether or not they think I should feel bad about preferring to look the way I did before. I don’t like the stretched out shit either, and something is going on with my upper arms that is nothing short of a travesty, to me. Not to the whole, but to me it really