
Yaaaaay is right.

That is fascinating. I had no idea Ukrainian society had these attributes. How you contextualize this is interesting.

1) No.

Holy Shit. And now I'm clicking back onto Gawker immediately.

Whew *wipes brow*. OK. That's really good to hear.

Or rich and greedy. Don't forget rich and greedy.

Girl, don't fuck him.

Maury, you really know how to woo the ladies, with all your fancy rape talk.

What's up with the incestual undertone in this image and others? What in the fucking fuck? Why is this "cool"? Does it have to do with an imagined parallel between modern bluebloods and the old incest positive royalty? #sogross

I kinda like a bunch of wealthy gen-X children of hippies that I went to high school with. They are decent people, but I'd eat them in a second if the revolution came.

The worst.

You did a REALLY good thing,

I'm so happy for your friend that you are her friend. Having friends who understand improves her prognosis.

I know, it's terrible. Rihanna's father used to beat her mother I believe so her chances of being a battered woman are even higher than the norm. Poor girl, when you're a cash cow and everyone around you is on the payroll you have even less of a chance I think. I believe we're looking at a long term situation here.

What's a fleshlight?

Oh hell no. Dealbreaker.

Yeah. I get that. So it's partly a communication issue then. It helps when people are honest with each other about what actually feels good, and what's not cutting it.

can't a woman just learn the death grip? I know it doesn't address the psychological part, but would that be helpful?

I never called Mindy Kaling or Stacey Dash or any Black republicans insane , and I do believe that everyone should enjoy the freedom to vote as they wish. I also believe, however, that that fiscal responsibility argument is thinly veiled greed. In order to vote republican these Blacks must overcome the cognitive

Ahhh, the good ol' days. That's what I'm talkin'about. What's all this new fangled bath salts nonsense that makes you eat other people? PCP reliably ensures that you only cannabalize yourself.