
We need to have instructions or flash cards or flow charts or something to explain the difference between intolerance (like, say, painting swastikas or driving your confederate-flag-waving truck through a child’s birthday party) and people who don’t want to hear your racist shit any longer.

You lost! Get over it.

Thanks for talking honestly about this. I grew up in Texas, but I don’t live there now. I was a casual racist like most white kids, but loved my black and Mexican friends, and never connected those two things. As an older person, fiercely feminist and progressive, I wish I could change the things I believed back then,

“let them yell themselves out”

A League of Their Own—the owners sent the players to charm school. Hilarity ensued.

I talked about that very thing with my husband after the film. Good catch!

Hook ‘em!

He was a star sprinter at my alma mater, University of Texas. So he had a head start on the body thing. Thanks for posting those images; I won’t get anything else done today. Sigh

Saw the movie on Saturday; loved every minute. Some light spoilers ahead.

Baylor is a shit-filled shitbox of angry Christian types continually screaming about how special they are. Waco is one of the worst places on earth. Her comments are unsurprising. In Texas, many women specialize in rape apologia. I speak as a 10th generation Texas woman (who moved away and is grateful for that). This

I see where you’re coming from. And this makes sense- if he were asking to compete as a girl. He wasn’t. The UIL forced him to. He’s completed his medical transition so I don’t know what stopping the testosterone would do to him; it might be dangerous. Plus it puts the responsibility on the youth for the bad decisions

Can confirm.

Can confirm. Though I was terrified of Michael Shannon the entire movie for some inexplicable reason...

THANK YOU. I try to post gentle reminders every time someone accuses a non-government actor of suppressing speech. You beat me to the punch (pun intended).

Hello crazy white neighbor! That’s some creativity going on, with missing persons posters. I love it.

I don’t disagree, and was probably inartful in my description. He not only displayed passion he talked about plans, too. Bernie has been steadily on social media, so I know he’s all over this. I believe we need someone with fire in their belly to get out in front of this and lead the charge. You’re right; it’s time

Really? That’s surprising to me, and I’m sorry to hear it. He had a town hall in Corvallis not too long ago but I had family coming in to Portland and had to miss it. He’s been doing some good work and should be meeting with folks. Hope that changes.

I live in Oregon, so I have great senators. Went to Ron Wyden’s town hall on Sunday in my small community. He was on fire and it was quite a lively crowd. He made promises to keep looking into the Russia connection. He’s clearly passionate about protecting as much as he can in the face of this onslaught of horror.

Also 50. I remember the grunge scene very well. While I wasn’t into it, I did like Nirvana’s music. I liked all the music that came out during that time period. My daughter is only a little older than Frances Bean (I started early), but I remember when he died thinking how could someone with a little baby do that? How

This reminded me of a situation I had when I worked for State Farm. To be fair, it’s something I pushed out of my memory so now I’m mad all over again as I relive something shitty they did to me nearly 20 years ago. Sigh.