
I know everyone has different experiences with different airlines. I’ve never had a bad experience with Delta. United, OTOH...that airline can get fucked.

UT alumna, Austin native, transplanted to the Pacific NW. Please, please, please send Texas to the Pac 12. Please. I miss seeing live games. Yes, there’s football here, and I go to Ducks games of all kinds. Not the same as the burnt orange and white.

I’m reading in the voice of Arya Stark and I like it.

I saw this news while riding in the car as a passenger with my husband this evening. I screamed “MOTHERFUCKERS!” so loud he slammed on the brakes.

Just like with Milo what’s-his-face, ignoring them is the best preventative.

They’re fucking astonishing. “Going into the lion’s den!” “How to trigger a liberal in 5 seconds!” “She needs extra protection!” “The left hates free speech!”

I saw on Twitter where someone said, after halftime, “Mike Pence just ran into the bathroom and shouted YASSSSSSSSSS into a towel.”

Counterpoint. The right was extremely happy, giddy even, to lay all the blame at the feet of Obama and Secretary Clinton for what happened in Benghazi, when in reality Congress cut funding for embassy security which was at least a contributing factor.

Moonlight and Arrival were the best films I saw last year. Moonlight has an edge IMHO. It’s fantastic. Full disclosure, I haven’t seen LaLa Land and probably won’t.

How about this?

You’ve hit on the most frightening part for me. Even in past administrations, when I didn’t agree with policies, it felt like everyone had the welfare of the United States in mind. After the last 8-12 years, though, it seems the priorities shifted to: ME first (keep my power! Make more money!), party second (GOP

It’s the only correct course of action.

So, I read the article about his tweet, then saw where frat bros were yelling (allegedly) “NO MEANS YES” during the Lincoln march. What the fuck, you motherfuckers. I know we ladies are largely non-violent but I am not above giving some shitweasel an elbow to the nose—because no means yes to a beatdown.

She was an inspiration not only to me, but to my husband, who is a Type 1 diabetic—like MTM. He saw her as an example of the kind of life a person could lead even if you have juvenile diabetes. She will be missed.

I see you’ve watched my documentary.

I got pargant just looking at Judge Moseley’s website.

What about that intro? The star shooting through all those religious paintings. The figures stopped what they were doing to pay attention to the bright light and sort of worship it. Is Lenny Christ? The anti-Christ? I thought that was very interesting.

I only now realized Ivanka is standing behind Melania. That explains the smile from the orange goblin going over Melania’s shoulder, then the apparent not-so-nice words for his wife.

We need the receipts.