Never Daunted Radio Network

White folks gave him a king’s ransom.

Nice to see that Denton fired all those people and shuttered all those arms of Gawker so this could rise from the ashes.

Here is the bottom line: Tiger’s injury is degenerative, and the only end result will be spinal fusion. He and his team are fighting tooth and nail to save his career. Whether it’s changing his swing, or focusing on a short game, the player we once new is gone.

Goddamn, Howard. It’s almost like you never saw School Daze. That song is pure satire, and it feels like a progression, a direct descendant from “Good and Bad Hair”.

This could be the return to form none of us were ready for or expecting.

Going after hillbillies from Kentucky.

And you’d tell him that, off camera, in private, to his face?

Whenever anyone says “best Bond since Sean Connery” when referring to Craig, I question that person’s taste.

Spectre is awful for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the apparent fear of even being British anymore. Craig’s bond is a blank page pretending to have Jack Bauer burdens.

Yeah, Stugotz was the big winner here. Papi doesn’t really get anything since he’s not on the show outside of recording the bumpers.

The Cowherd spot was a definite promotion, but it won’t be long before there’s some sort of switch. What LeBatard does just works better for drivetime. Bomani definitely got the upgrade by getting his old timeslot.

You clutch them pearls and you clutch ‘em tight.

You mean like when we got to see Jennifer Lawrence’s fat tits, because I remember Jezebel likening it to rape to even look at her.

“It’s still alive, it’s talkin’ shit!”


Sure, it looks dumb, but if they’re happy, who gives a fuck? Are we so miserable that we have to snap people down into the muck and miasma of our own shitbrick lives in order to keep order on the world?

Where have you been spending your nights?

The amount of self-loathing in the comments is delictable. If I were a therapist, I’d think it a goldmine.

Never? I beg your pardon. 7.5 inches...around.

I knew we couldn’t get through this without some limp dicked millenial talking shit about Coach Knight because the only discipline they ever faced was not getting a second cup of pudding before mom did her nightly cockstroking of her precious little boy.

Wow, you must really, really hate women.

Very few schools pay for sports out of academic coffers, period.

Did you order the Code Red? DID YOU ORDER THE CODE RED ?!?!

You’re full of shit. There was a great Fantastic Four was called The Incredibles.