Never Daunted Radio Network

I would also add what I’m sure others are saying: We have yet to see an actual adaptation of Fantastic Four. The Tim Story films were close in mechanics, but casting, script and the use of clouds clearly got in the way.

“But that’s nothing compared to the villain, who has no movable facial features—always compelling, bad guys who can’t move their faces!”

Why wouldn’t Deadspin provide the idiot hot take? The stupid robot wasn’t the problem...we Americans were. If it doesn’t benefit us directly, who gives a shit, ergo Donald Trump’s evergreen popularity.

The goddamn thing was a social experiement into the ability for people to care outside of themselves. Douchebag

I think Ronda Rousey should make this her first man fight.

It actually starts to reuse that exact monologue, then something happens and its abandoned. Much like the script was at some point.

Two things are rock solid: Motherfuckers always tryin’ to skate uphill, and EVERYONE WISHES THEY WERE A GODDAMNED HOOSIER.

Bill Cosby gave money for scholarships. Is it fair to compare Craggs to an accused rapist? NO, but the point is that no matter how much good one can do, it does not make them immune from ill acts, nor does it shield them from answering the bell for their actions.


Trigger warning is the worst phrase of the 21st century. Live in a padded room.

Misandrist article.

I asked for it, and I laughed my ass off. Go punch a pillow.

Was your trigger pulled???

I saw both Spy and Entourage with open minds and frankly, I laughed more at Entourage. That doesn’t mean I hate women, and honestly, there wasn’t many things in this film outwardly misogynist, unless you think men wanting to fuck women is somehow misogynist.

Some of you stunads probably do.

Put your cooze back in your pants, it wasn’t a good movie. I’d rather see a version that was all Furiosa than this boring horseshit. It looked pretty but was dead inside.

I need a little more than pensive looks from Charlize Theron to enjoy a movie. That someone, male or female turned this into a gender sensitive

If Ralph Wiley were still alive, he’d be putting Whitlock in his place. Moreover, Undefeated would be Wiley’s project instead.


The better question is why do we care about some fucking crab legs, honestly? Tell me how this is different than Benghazi.

The problem with Kyle Smith (among many) is that he’s too stupid to know that “journalists working in Arlington, Va.” are in fact D.C. Journalists.

Welcome to the New York Bubble of Self-Involvement.

If you play the Story mode, the redeemed Scorpion IS the head of the Shirai Ryu.

M.I.G.F. = Mom I Got to Fuck