
What the actual fuck is up with feminists trying to justify physical and emotional abuse when it's parents spanking and yelling at their children? On a website that feels comfortable telling men they're creepers if they try to have a conversation with you even if you you're wearing headphones?

I guess I'm a dead woman walking, then.

I'm a nurse and I can't even begin to tell you how exciting this is, because C. diff is THE WORST. I don't want to get into it (unless you want me to, in which case I'll give you poop-related nightmares for weeks), but suffice to say SERIOUSLY C. DIFF IS THE FUCKING WORST FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED. So yay for poo pills!!!

My mom tried this once with me with Swedish meatballs. I had tried them, and they were gross. I kept saying, "I wouldn't try to make you eat something YOU didn't like," offered to make myself a sandwich, go to bed without, etc. (I was maybe eight.) I sat there until morning, when my Dad came downstairs for work. He

And a salve against all our "eating as a kid" horror stories. My husband posted this to his facebook today and I got a kick out of it.

My mom would make us sit there for hours, in the dark sometimes until we ate everything. Sometimes if we refused we'd get spanked. To this day cannot eat certain things my mom would often cook, like spaghetti, because it just reminds me of sitting in a darkened dining room, crying and staring at some gigantic plate of

Victim. I often sat alone, long after everyone else had finished, staring at the cold, gross, food on my plate. And later I graduated to hiding food or throwing it away OR BEHIND FURNITURE to get my family off my back. This was as early as kindergarten. I never developed anorexia or bulimia, but I have a very weird

Gaslighting. It's just another form of abuse.

Yup, my physically abusive mother pulls the same shit. Now that she's in AA and "making amends," she has called everybody to apologize for "whatever it was that I did." And she complains to her sponsor that her family is so terrible to her. She plays the victim so hard.

Nothing quite says "appropriate wedding theme" like a story where a seemingly innocuous ring is to actually to blame for all of the evil and cruelty in the world.

When my husband's abusive mom came out of rehab, she wrote him a letter saying "I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. I think I may have hit you one time when you were a kid". So many broken bones and a broken jaw (multiple times) say otherwise. People are FUCKING CRAZY!

That's some Bergman shit right there.

Jezebel!!!!! OMG!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH for featuring my project!!! I cannot believe my fifth grade face is being featured on one of my favorite sites! Thanks for getting my message across correctly! I'm so happy I can't stand it! :)

Yours might have been embarrassing but some of our middle school portraits were both haunting and majestic, like the mighty steeds that once roamed the open prairies.

Fixed that.

After trying for over a year to get pregnant and then suffering a devastating miscarriage, I will never EVER EVER complain about how my body looks while I'm pregnant or after or the way my stretch marks are stretching even further than they did the last time. I will not be sad that my boobs are going to sag more than