
You poor thing - till morning?! And I thought getting whatever dinner I did't eat for breakfast the next morning (cold, on the fridge-cold plate, too, mind you) was bad!

Came here to say the same. Gaslighting is sick and my abusive mother, now in rehab, was a pro. Don't let them fuck with your head - what actually happened *did* actually happen. Tell everyone you can and shame the sickos who did it.

You and your contributors are so awesome I can't. Stand. It.

Cuisinox 6 cup Roma with the silicon gasket. I've tried it all and this brews a damn fine cup every day. Or 12 cups as the case may be. A filthy habit? At least we don't have to pee as much :) Better for guys' prostates than "American coffee" (what my Italian relatives call it).

Replying to say thank you - your comment was really useful. My mother is in AA, and though she is still an incredibly abusive, difficult person who struggles with mental illness, I haven't seen anything (years of therapy, inpatient programs, etc.) except AA work for her. Your comment is helpful in explaining

Story time: I'm still in the gray (still!) but my husband and I had been dating for 5 1/2years, living together for 4, and I had just gotten back from a childhood friend's wedding (Which was a dreadful experience, but that's because of her, not weddings in general). A day or so later, he comes up to our apartment with

I had the same sleeping issue! My daughter (now 4.5) would only sleep like that! I got a Moby wrap from a cousin for my shower and wore her in it for fear of her rolling off at night. A lightweight blanket wrapped around the two of us also served in a pinch. Mine did not have colic, but my cousin's both did; Little

Please -what kind of juicer?! Need recommendations for my impending CSA! I'm excited, but kind of panicking also :)

@Lindy: IMPORTANT!! What juicer thingy do you use?! Anyone else, suggestions PLEASE! I have The Vitamix (which is the most amazing blender I've ever owned) but do I "need" a separate juicer? Sorry for all the yelling but I'm excited that we're doing a CSA for the first time this year but I've been warned by my SO: no

Whelp, I recently told a huge-ass lie to avoid a friend because: 1) my SO can't stand this friend for how she how she has treated me (well, both of us) in the past, and, more significantly, 2) I realized that my own reasons for being friends were shallow and repulsive. Though this friend is truly negative,

I invest and have since 2001, so what I say is informed but may not be what anyone wants to hear:

THANK YOU FOR THE NAIL SOAK LINK! (Sorry for yelling, just so excited to try them. Can't even wear my butterLONDON "yummy mummy" due to peeling. Yuck!)

Replying to promote more because I agree with you most.


Are you me? Yes, the Narcissistic Mother! (And for fun, the Enabling Father, who, even after the divorce would ask, "But won't your mother get angry?" Thanks everyone! It's why I'll instinctively apologize when someone else runs into *me*.)

Thank you. I miscarried about a week ago and nothing could have changed that. I'm sorry to know you and other women here went through the same thing but am utterly grateful for your comments on this experience. Hugs.

Enthusiastically co-signed.