I love that they're polling Indians fans instead of, you know, the people that this mascot would offend
I love that they're polling Indians fans instead of, you know, the people that this mascot would offend
With numbers like these, you would think baseball would be more popular in Florida
The term "ultras" is generally used to refer to groups that are not just die hard supporters of the club, but ones that share pro-fascist, anti-immigrant extremist ideologies (Italian soccer in particular is notorious for their ultras, as is Beitar Jerusalem)
Fines really are not enough to deal with this problem, nor are empty stadiums. With both of those solutions, the people perpetrating the racial abuse are insulated from the punishment for it. One fewer home game or a fine that they won't have to personally pay isn't going to stop fans from throwing bananas on the…
Hate all you want, commenters, but he got an A+ from his English teacher, Mr. Redick
"Clutch" is a stupid concept that relies mostly on people overfitting data based on arbitrary endpoints. A player's failure in late game situations often has to do with them being rushed into taking low percentage shots by the game clock, not because they magically become worse with less than 2 minutes on the clock
On the play, he received a 15 yard penalty for unnecessary ruggedness
Beat me to it, that was the first thing I noticed.
And yet in May, Hawks don't scare anyone
Muhammad Violates Rights of Patriots
Cory Booker already won though
That seems really high. Also, $35 million seems like a lot of money for him
There is not one culture though. Usually, when people say things like this, the subtext is "people of other ethnic groups should abandon their cultural heritage and simply adopt mine". There is absolutely nothing wrong with groups having differences based on shared experiences and cultural heritage, it's that we…
Well that was dumb of the Timberwolves to draft someone with no natural ability in the top 5 then, wasn't it?
I don't think you understand what he's saying. Professional sports are pretty close to straight meritocracy, if you can play, you'll most likely find a place in the league, if you can't, you're gone (Tim Tebow notwithstanding). Neither of those things are dependent on race. Racial disparities at different positions…
Man, it's really windy all of a sudden
Rae Carruth served in the Harnett Correctional Institution in 2005 with...
[quietly closes browser window and goes about his day, never mentioning the tweet again]
At least he's consistent about it, remember the notable times that he cut Brian Cushing and Duane Brown for failing drug tests?