
+1, compadre. This is a good post.

You know what's REALLY a stretch? Jason's first article.

I think you have more problems to deal with than the guy defending his supposed "sexism."

I agree with you on the making of good DLC that does its job well. It only becomes problematic when you start seeing overpriced skin packs and other fairly insignificant in-game objects being sold separately instead of being part of a bigger expansion.

You can enjoy a company's games and still be appalled by their business decisions that directly affect the consumer.

I've said this before, but still: EA may not have deserved the "honor", but they definitely earned it through their shitty actions.

These two games were the first PC FPSs that I've ever played way back when I was in middle school. I've had quite a few good memories playing through the campaign and trying out a bunch of mods for them. Now that the source codes are out, I'm looking forward to what the modders can pull off.

I'll admit, maybe I got off the wrong foot when I called you "a giddy self-righteous higher-than-thou douche." I'm sorry about that. And I wish we had a much more courteous discussion than what we ended up having, which resorted to insults from me to you and back again. At this point, this discussion has gone in

That's kinda what I did. I waited for a big sale, though it wasn't on Steam. It was on Amazon where they bundled Spec Ops The Line with the first two Bioshocks on PC for $9.99.

I'm not defending the segment of the group that's giving death threats to a mother trying to teach her daughter the value of money (and speaking of which, there's better ways to do this, like working some chores for other people or setting up a lemonade stand or something). I never sent those threats, I don't approve

Explain yourself instead of acting like a giddy self-righteous higher-than-thou douche. And by explain yourself, tell me why you think the so called "lynch mob" is self-righteousness turned evil.

Look, it's apparent that we're both in completely different wavelengths here. I think the project's a scam, you don't. Maybe you should read a somewhat more levelheaded criticism of the Kickstarter than whatever I can provide, because it's clear nothing that I'm saying is getting through to your thick skull.

As if you're any better? You're the one who got hyper emotional about the whole thing without knowing (or ignoring) all the facts so far.

Do you have a website that has information of your proposal for your project thing?

I know that feeling. I'm too poor to afford most games at full price. I try to wait until the price is reduced to something like $20-30 or even less before I pay up. And though some say DmC is better, others believe MGR is heads and shoulders above DmC and is kinda what DmC should have been (or at least it's DMC in

Oh, so bullying is just a joke now?

About action games not selling these days...I hear Revengeance outsold the new DmC greatly.

Nearly everyone that's been criticizing this so far.

No, it's not the feminist angle. That's merely the icing on the cake, not the main reason we're criticizing her in particular.

This is NOT about the feminist angle. This is completely different. We criticize the fact that she used the feminist angle in the first place to get what she wants, not the feminism itself.