
According to who? You can't even say 'you seem like a terrible human being' you're literally saying 'people said your awful, so i think you are'. You're much better served forming your own opinion. You can find tons of people saying he's a great guy "despite his flaws' among other things. A few places say he's a relic

Sometimes i forget how rich these guys are, and how famous they are. Every now and then then mention some super expensive car they have or you see their giant house and then you go "oh yeah, they are incredibly rich, famous people who probably have an ego to match"

I did the same thing. I tend to only spend hard, solid cash because handing over physical currency feels so much more real, its a tactile, visual thing. I'm holding it, and then its gone.

We're already wildly over-populated.. maybe its a good thing.


"Because I can"

So what world-changing things do you get up to?

If i see someone holding a fork underhanded and shoveling food into their mouth i will judge them on it.

Taxes. Paying bills (though its easier with online payments these days). Getting a loan. Managing investments. Buying anything significantly expensive (cars, homes, etc). Basically you know, real world stuff.

Mechwarrior Online is not only a shitstorm, its basically a scam at this point. Warframe is good, but very grindy - but the devs are great and the updates mostly good. Planetside is good and pretty much completely F2P, but there isn't much to it aside from a persistent shooter.

Its hard to disagree i guess. I mean, i'm all for being tolerant and being open and allowing free speech and all but when you do something that you know for a fact will piss people off, that will offend them, and you're - to an extent - doing it on purpose..

People are biologically geared to be more attracted to young people (male and female) because the simple fact that you are more capable of having health (and many) offspring.

I think he's a great guy, very creative and with a lot of imagination. But his problem isn't 'too much' creativity, its that he gets bored, and kinda just wants to do whatever he feels like at the time. You could say that about anyone 'I hired him to build me a car, but he bike me half a motorcycle and some drones!

That was actually kinda funny.

Just throwing it out there that 'Conchita' also means 'little seashell' and thus is at times used as a given name, its also not at all polite slang, but its also a given name in places.

Yet. I'm waiting for evidence of the long-term damage to come to light.

I seriously thought he was going to go the Dyson Sphere route.

Cool story, bro.


His early ones are a LOT better than his more recent hollywood blockbuster types. Even shanghai series is better than rush hour.