
With all the old series i watch ending, the nostalgia of new DBZ is almost too much for me.

Pass. I want more AC, i'll buy all AC games forever. I still love them.

It does seem weird to even connect it to asuka at all since its so different.

She looks so.. greasy...

I like to think that it refers to the relationship to pusillanimous, which means "showing a lack of courage or determination; timid." I don't know whether its true or not, though i've heard it bandied about a bit. I just like to think that because i like weird word connections.

I kinda felt tha it seemed like a combination of (in theme anyway) Dota 2 (or any moba) and TF2

Blizzard seriously needs to open an animation studio and just pump out some movies. I'd watch them all.

Looks like a cross between dota and TF2

I can't remember the last time i saw either of those things...

I had to stop playing when they closed up the Australia server, My internet just isn't good enough to give me decent ping and its too frustrating. I loved it when i played it thought and wish i had the patience to play it more.

I, for one, am in favour of it.

I've been following this guy on dA for the longest time, all the stuff is so amazing.

One thing i could never get behind with mechanical keyboards was the clicking. I usually endevour to keep things quiet. I hear some are quiet (and more expensive) but 'quite' is relative.

Pressure, thats the best way i can describe it. Its like a sustained pressure, or like.. Tense your bicep really hard, its like that, only more concentrated in a smaller area and you have no way to release it (well, one way but not on command).

I can't wait until this is the norm, i really just want to get a big TV and embed it in a wall and forgo windows entirely. My view is never as good as this.

I'm glad this exists in the world.

Just play a male troll and pretend its a female, i know a couple of people who did that to some really amusing results.

His name is 'ablow' That must have been fun growing up.

"End quick"
And then they spend the next 20 minutes defending.

I totally agree, i also agree with the people that say this sounds really fake. The thing is in this situation it fixes nothing. Assuming it is true, it solves nothing. The kid learns nothing, the parent certainly won't make it a teaching experience.